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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, 2E, 2L, R, T and Y

ALTERNATELYalternately adv. In reciprocal succession; succeeding by turns; in alternate order.
alternately adv. (Mathematics) By alternation; when, in a proportion, the antecedent term is compared with antecedent, and consequent.
alternately adv. (Chiefly North America, sometimes proscribed) Alternatively.
CLEVERALITYcleverality n. (Formerly Scotland, now chiefly Ireland) cleverness.
CLEVERALITY n. (Scots) cleverness.
COETERNALLYcoeternally adv. In a coeternal manner.
COETERNAL adv. equally eternal, jointly eternal.
ELABORATELYelaborately adv. In an elaborate manner.
ELABORATE adv. highly detailed.
ELECTORALLYelectorally adv. In an electoral manner.
electorally adv. With regard to elections.
ELECTORAL adv. relating to elections or electors, also ELECTORIAL.
EVITERNALLYeviternally adv. Eternally.
EVITERNAL adv. eternal.
GALLERYITESgalleryites n. Plural of galleryite.
GALLERYITE n. a person who frequents the gallery in the theatre.
HEARTLESSLYheartlessly adv. In a heartless manner.
HEARTLESS adv. callous, uncaring, also HARTLESSE.
HEMIELYTRALHEMIELYTRAL adj. relating to the hemielytron, the insect forewing, also HEMELYTRAL.
HERETICALLYheretically adv. In a heretical way, or to a heretical extent.
HERETICAL adv. like a heretic, also HERETIC.
INTERVALLEYintervalley adj. Between valleys.
intervalley n. A valley lying between other valleys, or between other entities.
INTERVALLEY adj. between valleys.
LAWYERLIESTLAWYERLY adj. like, or becoming, a lawyer.
PERPETUALLYperpetually adv. Seeming to never end; endlessly; constantly.
PERPETUAL adv. lasting forever.
PLATELAYERSplatelayers n. Plural of platelayer.
PLATELAYER n. a workman who lays and maintains railway track.
PREVALENTLYprevalently adv. Generally, usually, mainly.
PREVALENT adv. prevailing, widespread.
REPELLANTLYrepellantly adv. In a repellant manner.
REPELLANT adv. serving to repel, also REPELLENT.
TRACELESSLYtracelessly adv. Without leaving a trace.
TRACELESS adv. without trace.
VERSATILELYversatilely adv. In a versatile manner.
VERSATILE adv. turning easily from one thing to another.
VERTEBRALLYvertebrally adv. (Anatomy) At or within a vertebra or vertebrae.
VERTEBRAL adv. of or like a vertebra.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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