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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, E, G, I, 2L, N and Y

ANGELICALLYangelically adv. In an angelic manner.
ANGELICAL adv. of or like an angel, also ANGELIC.
ANTIALLERGYantiallergy adj. Countering an allergy.
APPEALINGLYappealingly adv. In an appealing manner.
BELLYACHINGbellyaching n. Whining and complaining, often contrived to evoke pity or shirk responsibility.
bellyaching v. Present participle of bellyache.
belly-aching n. Alternative form of bellyaching.
BEWAILINGLYbewailingly adv. In a bewailing manner.
CALLIPYGEANcallipygean adj. Alternative spelling of callipygian.
CALLIPYGEAN adj. having beautiful buttocks, also CALLIPYGIAN, CALLIPYGOUS.
CONGENIALLYcongenially adv. In a congenial manner.
CONGENIAL adv. pleasant, friendly or agreeable.
ENGLACIALLYENGLACIAL adv. embedded in, carried in or running through a glacier.
EUGENICALLYeugenically adv. In terms of, or by means of, eugenics.
EUGENICAL adv. relating to genetic improvement of a race by judicious mating, also EUGENIC.
FALTERINGLYfalteringly adv. In a faltering manner; hesitantly, making pauses.
FALTERING adv. hesitant.
GENERICALLYgenerically adv. In a generic manner.
generically adv. With regard to a genus.
GENERICAL adv. general; applicable to any of a group or class, also GENERIC.
GENETICALLYgenetically adv. In terms of origin or development.
genetically adv. In a manner relating to genes or genetics.
genetically adv. (Linguistics) By being members of the same linguistic family.
GENITIVALLYgenitivally adv. In a genitival manner.
GENITIVAL adv. relating to the genitive case.
GLYOXALINESglyoxalines n. Plural of glyoxaline.
GLYOXALINE n. any of a group of heterocyclic compounds produced by substitution in a five-membered ring containing two nitrogen atoms on either side of a carbon atom.
INELEGANTLYinelegantly adv. In an inelegant manner.
INELEGANT adv. not elegant.
LAMENTINGLYlamentingly adv. In an lamenting manner.
LAMENTING adv. expressing sorrow or regret.
LEGENDARILYlegendarily adv. In the manner of something legendary.
legendarily adv. According to legend.
LEGENDARY adv. having the nature of legend.
PLATELAYINGplatelaying n. (Rail transport) The work of a platelayer, inspecting and maintaining the permanent way.
PLATELAYING n. the laying of rails for a railway.
REVEALINGLYrevealingly adv. In a revealing manner.
REVEALING adv. making visible.
SLAVERINGLYslaveringly adv. With drooling saliva.
SLAVERING adv. drooling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 58 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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