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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2E, 2I, L and 2M

CEREMONIALISMceremonialism n. A fondness for ceremony, especially in religion; ritualism.
CEREMONIALISM n. being ceremonial.
COMMERCIALISEcommercialise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of commercialize.
COMMERCIALISE v. to make commercial, also COMMERCIALIZE.
COMMERCIALIZEcommercialize v. (Transitive) to bring into commerce from an earlier condition (such as idea alone, experimental prototypes…
commercialize v. (Transitive) to apply business methodology to something in order to profit (such as introducing salability…
commercialize v. (Transitive) to exploit something for maximum financial gain, sometimes by sacrificing quality.
DIMETHYLAMINEdimethylamine n. (Organic chemistry) The secondary amine (CH3)2NH, which has a number of industrial uses.
DIMETHYLAMINE n. a gas derived from ammonia with two methyl groups replacing two hydrogen atoms.
ECUMENICALISMecumenicalism n. The belief that there should be better understanding and closer co-operation between different denominations…
ECUMENICALISM n. the doctrines and practice of the Christian ecumenical movement, also ECUMENICISM.
EMBLEMATISINGemblematising v. Present participle of emblematise.
EMBLEMATISE v. to represent by or as if by an emblem, also EMBLEMATIZE.
EMBLEMATIZINGemblematizing v. Present participle of emblematize.
EMBLEMATIZE v. to represent by or as if by an emblem, also EMBLEMATISE.
IMMARCESCIBLEimmarcescible adj. (Rare) Permanent, enduring; that does not perish.
IMMARCESCIBLE adj. unfading; imperishable.
IMMATERIALISEimmaterialise v. Alternative form of immaterialize.
IMMATERIALISE v. to make immaterial, also IMMATERIALIZE.
IMMATERIALIZEimmaterialize v. (Transitive) To render immaterial or incorporeal.
IMMATERIALIZE v. to make immaterial, also IMMATERIALISE.
LAMINECTOMIESlaminectomies n. Plural of laminectomy.
LAMINECTOMY n. a kind of operation on the spine.
MEDIAEVALISMSmediaevalisms n. Plural of mediaevalism.
MEDIAEVALISM n. the spirit of the Middle Ages; devotion to medieval ideals, also MEDIEVALISM.
MEMORIALISERSmemorialisers n. Plural of memorialiser.
MEMORIALISER n. one who memorialises, also MEMORIALIZER.
MEMORIALIZERSmemorializers n. Plural of memorializer.
MEMORIALIZER n. one who memorializes, also MEMORIALISER.
SEMIEMPIRICALsemiempirical adj. Partially empirical (and partially theoretical).
SEMIEMPIRICAL adj. partly empirical.
SEMIOCHEMICALsemiochemical n. (Biochemistry) Any substance, produced by an organism, that provokes a response in individuals of the…
semiochemical adj. Relating to semiochemistry.
SEMIOCHEMICAL n. a chemical produced by an animal, e.g. in a scent gland, and used as a means of signalling its presence, readiness to mate etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 64 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 117 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 92 words

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