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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, E, G, L, M, 2N and S

ALONGSHOREMANalongshoreman n. (Archaic) Alternative form of longshoreman.
ALONGSHOREMAN n. a stevedore; a person who makes a living along the shore by fishing, etc., also LONGSHOREMAN.
ALONGSHOREMENalongshoremen n. Plural of alongshoreman.
ALONGSHOREMAN n. a stevedore; a person who makes a living along the shore by fishing, etc., also LONGSHOREMAN.
DERMAPLANINGSDERMAPLANING n. a cosmetic treatment, often used to treat acne scars, in which surface irregularities are surgically scraped to give the skin a smoother appearance.
ENTANGLEMENTSentanglements n. Plural of entanglement.
ENTANGLEMENT n. the action of entangling.
GENTLEMANSHIPgentlemanship n. The bearing or quality of a gentleman.
GENTLEMANSHIP n. the state of being a gentleman.
LANGUISHMENTSlanguishments n. Plural of languishment.
LANGUISHMENT n. the act of languishing.
LONGANIMITIESLONGANIMITY n. a disposition to bear injuries patiently.
MEANINGLESSLYmeaninglessly adv. In a meaningless manner; nonsensically.
MEANINGLESS adv. having no meaning.
MELANOGENESESmelanogeneses n. Plural of melanogenesis.
MELANOGENESIS n. the formation of melanin.
MELANOGENESISmelanogenesis n. (Biochemistry) The production of melanin in human skin.
MELANOGENESIS n. the formation of melanin.
MISALIGNMENTSmisalignments n. Plural of misalignment.
MISALIGNMENT n. a wrong alignment.
MISCHANNELINGmischanneling v. Present participle of mischannel.
MISCHANNEL v. to channel wrongly.
NONALIGNMENTSnonalignments n. Plural of nonalignment.
NONALIGNMENT n. the state of being nonaligned.
RENORMALISINGrenormalising v. Present participle of renormalise.
RENORMALISE v. to subject to or calculate using renormalisation, also RENORMALIZE.
SCANDALMONGERscandalmonger n. A person who trades in gossip; one who collects and disseminates rumors.
SCANDALMONGER n. one who spreads scandal.
STRANGLEMENTSstranglements n. Plural of stranglement.
STRANGLEMENT n. the act of strangling.
STREAMLININGSstreamlinings n. Plural of streamlining.
STREAMLINING n. the act of designing with a streamline.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 95 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 15 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 9 words

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