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There are 20 words containing A, 2E, G, I, K, P and S

BESPEAKINGbespeaking v. Present participle of bespeak.
BESPEAK v. to request in advance.
RESPEAKINGrespeaking v. Present participle of respeak.
RESPEAK v. (Shakespeare) to speak again.
SAFEKEEPINGsafekeeping n. The act of keeping something safe; protection from harm, damage, loss, or theft.
safekeeping n. The storage of assets in a protected area.
safekeeping n. The responsibility of a guardian.
BACKSPEERINGBACKSPEER v. (Scots) to cross-question, also BACKSPEIR.
FORESPEAKINGforespeaking v. Present participle of forespeak.
forespeaking n. (Obsolete) A foretelling; a prediction.
forespeaking n. (Obsolete) A preface.
GAMEKEEPINGSGAMEKEEPING n. the job of a gamekeeper.
GATEKEEPINGSGATEKEEPING n. the practice of controlling access to information, advanced levels of study, elite sections of society, etc.
GOALKEEPINGSGOALKEEPING n. the activities of a goalkeeper.
KNEECAPPINGSkneecappings n. Plural of kneecapping.
knee-cappings n. Plural of knee-capping.
KNEECAPPING n. punishment by shooting through the kneecap.
PEACEMAKINGSpeacemakings n. Plural of peacemaking.
PEACEMAKING n. activities relating to making peace.
SAFEKEEPINGSsafekeepings n. Plural of safekeeping.
SAFEKEEPING n. the act of preserving in safety.
SLEEPWALKINGsleepwalking n. The act of walking while not conscious or aware of it, during one’s sleep.
sleepwalking v. Present participle of sleepwalk.
SLEEPWALKING n. walking in one's sleep.
SPEECHMAKINGspeechmaking n. The delivery of speeches.
SPEECHMAKING n. the making of speeches.
SPEEDSKATINGspeedskating n. Alternative form of speed skating.
speed␣skating n. The sport of racing around an oval course, on ice skates.
SPEEDSKATING n. the sport of skating for speed.
UNBESPEAKINGunbespeaking v. Present participle of unbespeak.
UNBESPEAK v. to unsay; hence, to annul or cancel.
PEACEKEEPINGSpeacekeepings n. Plural of peacekeeping.
PEACEKEEPING n. the preserving of peace.
SLEEPWALKINGSsleepwalkings n. Plural of sleepwalking.
SLEEPWALKING n. walking in one's sleep.
SPAGHETTILIKEspaghettilike adj. Resembling spaghetti; entangled or confused.
SPAGHETTILIKE adj. like spaghetti.
SPEECHMAKINGSspeechmakings n. Plural of speechmaking.
SPEECHMAKING n. the making of speeches.
SPEEDSKATINGSSPEEDSKATING n. the sport of skating for speed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 281 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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