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There are 20 words containing A, E, 2G, H, 2I and R

AFFRIGHTENINGaffrightening v. Present participle of affrighten.
AFFRIGHTEN v. to frighten, also AFFRIGHT.
AIRFREIGHTINGairfreighting v. Present participle of airfreight.
air-freighting v. Present participle of air-freight.
AIRFREIGHT v. to transport freight by air in volume.
ANGIOGRAPHIESangiographies n. Plural of angiography.
ANGIOGRAPHY n. a technique for X-raying major blood vessels, using dye opaque to X-rays.
BIOGEOGRAPHICbiogeographic adj. Of or pertaining to biogeography, the study of the geographical arrangement of plants and animals.
BIOGEOGRAPHIC adj. relating to biogeography, also BIOGEOGRAPHICAL.
BIOGEOGRAPHICALbiogeographical adj. Of or pertaining to biogeography.
BIOGEOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to biogeography, also BIOGEOGRAPHIC.
BIOGEOGRAPHIESbiogeographies n. Plural of biogeography.
BIOGEOGRAPHY n. the study of the geographical distribution of plants and animals.
CINEANGIOGRAPHYcineangiography n. Cinematographic angiography.
CINEANGIOGRAPHY n. the recording of the movement of blood in the blood vessels by photographing a series of X-ray images to create a moving picture.
DEGARNISHINGdegarnishing v. Present participle of degarnish.
DEGARNISH v. to despoil, also DISGARNISH.
EPIGRAPHINGepigraphing v. Present participle of epigraph.
EPIGRAPH v. to mark with an epigraph.
GARNISHEEINGgarnisheeing v. Present participle of garnishee.
GARNISHEE v. to make someone a garnishee.
HAGIOGRAPHIEShagiographies n. Plural of hagiography.
HAGIOGRAPHY n. a biography of saints; an idealizing or idolizing biography.
HARBINGERINGharbingering v. Present participle of harbinger.
HARBINGER v. to foreshadow.
HELIOGRAPHINGheliographing v. Present participle of heliograph.
HELIOGRAPH v. to signal by heliograph.
INGATHERINGingathering v. Present participle of ingather.
ingathering n. The gathering in of a literal or metaphorical harvest.
INGATHERING n. the gathering in of crops etc.
INGATHERINGSingatherings n. Plural of ingathering.
INGATHERING n. the gathering in of crops etc.
INTERCHANGINGinterchanging v. Present participle of interchange.
interchanging n. The act by which things are interchanged.
INTERCHANGE v. to put each of (two things) in the place of the other, also ENTERCHAUNGE.
LETHARGISINGlethargising v. Present participle of lethargise.
LETHARGISE v. to make lethargic, also LETHARGIZE.
LETHARGIZINGlethargizing v. Present participle of lethargize.
LETHARGIZE v. to make lethargic, also LETHARGISE.
MIMEOGRAPHINGmimeographing v. Present participle of mimeograph.
MIMEOGRAPH v. to copy by mimeograph.
STRAIGHTENINGstraightening v. Present participle of straighten.
straightening n. The act of making something straight.
STRAIGHTEN v. to make straight.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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