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There are 20 words containing A, E, L, O, P, S, X and Y

EXPOSTULATINGLYexpostulatingly adv. With expostulations.
EXPOSTULATING adv. EXPOSTULATE, to remonstrate; to discuss or reason with.
EXPOSTULATORYexpostulatory adj. Of, characterized by, or exhibiting expostulation.
EXPOSTULATORY adj. relating to expostulation, also EXPOSTULATIVE.
INTERPAROXYSMALinterparoxysmal adj. Between paroxysms.
INTERPAROXYSMAL adj. between paroxysms.
OXYCEPHALIESoxycephalies n. Plural of oxycephaly.
OXYCEPHALY n. the condition of having a conical skull.
OXYCEPHALOUSOXYCEPHALOUS adj. having a conical skull, also OXYCEPHALIC.
PHYLLOTAXESphyllotaxes n. Plural of phyllotaxis.
PHYLLOTAXIS n. the arrangement of leaves on a stem and in relation to one another, also PHYLLOTAXY.
PHYLLOTAXIESphyllotaxies n. Plural of phyllotaxy.
PHYLLOTAXY n. the arrangement of leaves on a stem and in relation to one another, also PHYLLOTAXIS.
PHYLLOXERASphylloxeras n. Plural of phylloxera.
PHYLLOXERA n. a kind of beetle, a pest of vineyards.
PHYTOALEXINSphytoalexins n. Plural of phytoalexin.
PHYTOALEXIN n. any substance produced by a plant as a defence against disease.
POLYSILOXANEpolysiloxane n. (Chemistry) Any of many polymers having a siloxane repeat unit.
POLYSILOXANE n. any of a number of polymers which are the basis of silicone chemistry.
POLYSILOXANESpolysiloxanes n. Plural of polysiloxane.
POLYSILOXANE n. any of a number of polymers which are the basis of silicone chemistry.
PROPHYLAXESprophylaxes n. Plural of prophylaxis.
PROPHYLAXIS n. preventive treatment against diseases, etc.
PSYCHOSEXUALpsychosexual adj. Of or relating to the psychological aspect or aspects of sexuality.
PSYCHOSEXUAL adj. of or relating to the mental, emotional, and behavioral aspects of sexual development.
PSYCHOSEXUALITYpsychosexuality n. The psychological aspects of sexuality.
PSYCHOSEXUALITY n. the psychic factors of sex.
PSYCHOSEXUALLYpsychosexually adv. In a psychosexual manner or context.
PSYCHOSEXUAL adv. of or relating to the mental, emotional, and behavioral aspects of sexual development.
SCEUOPHYLAXsceuophylax n. A sacristan or church treasurer.
SCEUOPHYLAX n. a sacristan.
XYLOGRAPHERSxylographers n. Plural of xylographer.
XYLOGRAPHER n. one who practises xylography, the art of making engravings on wood.
XYLOGRAPHIESxylographies n. Plural of xylography.
XYLOGRAPHY n. the art of making engravings on wood, esp. for printing.
XYLOPHAGESxylophages n. Plural of xylophage.
XYLOPHAGE n. an insect larva, mollusc etc. that eats or bores into wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 307 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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