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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, G, I, L, N, S, T and V

DEVITALISINGdevitalising v. Present participle of devitalise.
DEVITALISE v. to deprive of vitality, also DEVITALIZE.
DIVULGATIONSdivulgations n. Plural of divulgation.
DIVULGATION n. the act of divulgating.
DOVETAILINGSdovetailings n. Plural of dovetailing.
DOVETAILING n. the act of making a dovetail joint.
EVANGELISTICevangelistic adj. Pertaining to evangelism or evangelists; spreading the gospel.
evangelistic adj. Pertaining to the Evangelical school.
evangelistic adj. (Colloquial) Characterised by enthusiasm and a desire to communicate belief.
EVERLASTINGSeverlastings n. Plural of everlasting.
EVERLASTING n. a flower that may be kept for years without much change of appearance.
INSALIVATINGinsalivating v. Present participle of insalivate.
INSALIVATE v. to mix with saliva.
INVESTIGABLEinvestigable adj. (Chiefly philosophy and sciences) Capable of being investigated or studied.
INVESTIGABLE adj. able to be investigated.
INVIGILATORSinvigilators n. Plural of invigilator.
INVIGILATOR n. one who invigilates.
RELATIVISINGrelativising v. Present participle of relativise.
RELATIVISE v. to make relative, also RELATIVIZE.
REVITALISINGrevitalising v. Present participle of revitalise.
REVITALISE v. to give new life or vigor to, also REVITALIZE.
TRANSVAGINALtransvaginal adj. (Medicine) Through the vagina.
TRANSVAGINAL adj. across the vagina.
TRANSVALUINGtransvaluing v. Present participle of transvalue.
TRANSVALUE v. to reestimate the value of, esp. on a basis differing from the accepted standard, also TRANSVALUATE.
TRIVIALISINGtrivialising v. Present participle of trivialise.
TRIVIALISE v. to make trivial, also TRIVIALIZE.
VESICULATINGvesiculating v. Present participle of vesiculate.
VESICULATE v. to become vesicular.
VIGILANTISMSvigilantisms n. Plural of vigilantism.
VIGILANTISM n. acting as a vigilante.
VIGILANTNESSVIGILANTNESS n. the state of being vigilant.
VIRGINALISTSvirginalists n. Plural of virginalist.
VIRGINALIST n. one who plays on a virginal.
VIRTUALISINGvirtualising v. Present participle of virtualise.
VIRTUALISE v. to make virtual, also VIRTUALIZE.
VOLATILISINGvolatilising v. Present participle of volatilise.
VOLATILISE v. to make volatile, also VOLATILIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 69 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 13 words

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