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There are 19 words containing A, 2G, 2N, R, S and U

GANGRENOUSgangrenous adj. Indicative of or afflicted with gangrene.
GANGRENOUS adj. of or like gangrene.
BUSHRANGINGbushranging n. The outlaw lifestyle of a bushranger.
BUSHRANGING n. being a bushranger.
BUSHRANGINGSBUSHRANGING n. being a bushranger.
ENCOURAGINGSencouragings n. Plural of encouraging.
ENCOURAGING n. the act of giving encouragement.
GELANDESPRUNGgelandesprung n. (Skiing) A jump, usually over an obstacle, made in downhill skiing.
geländesprung n. (Skiing) Alternative form of gelandesprung.
GELANDESPRUNG n. a skiing jump from a crouch using both poles.
GOURMANDISINGgourmandising v. Present participle of gourmandise.
GOURMANDISE v. to indulge a taste for good food to excess, also GORMANDISE, GORMANDIZE, GOURMANDIZE.
GROUNDSHARINGgroundsharing v. Present participle of groundshare.
GROUNDSHARE v. to share a sports stadium with another team.
NEUROIMAGINGSSorry, definition not available.
NONGREGARIOUSnongregarious adj. (Zoology) Not gregarious; solitary. Compare ungregarious.
NONGREGARIOUS adj. not gregarious.
OUTORGANISINGOUTORGANISE v. to surpass at organisation, also OUTORGANIZE.
SINGULARISINGsingularising v. Present participle of singularise.
SINGULARISE v. to make singular, also SINGULARIZE.
SINGULARIZINGsingularizing v. Present participle of singularize.
SINGULARIZE v. to make singular, also SINGULARISE.
STRANGULATINGstrangulating v. Present participle of strangulate.
STRANGULATE v. to strangle, constrict.
TRANSFIGURINGtransfiguring v. Present participle of transfigure.
TRANSFIGURE v. to give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance to.
UNVULGARISINGunvulgarising v. Present participle of unvulgarise.
UNVULGARISE v. to make not vulgar, also UNVULGARIZE.
GELANDESPRUNGSgelandesprungs n. Plural of gelandesprung.
geländesprungs n. Plural of geländesprung.
GELANDESPRUNG n. a skiing jump from a crouch using both poles.
INGURGITATIONSingurgitations n. Plural of ingurgitation.
INGURGITATION n. the act of ingurgitating.
GROUNDBREAKINGSgroundbreakings n. Plural of groundbreaking.
GROUNDBREAKING n. the breaking of ground at the beginning of a construction project.
UNDERDIAGNOSINGunderdiagnosing v. Present participle of underdiagnose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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