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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing A, H, I, L, M, N, O and R

DOLPHINARIUMdolphinarium n. An aquarium that houses dolphins.
DOLPHINARIUM n. a place where dolphins are kept.
ECHINODERMALechinodermal adj. (Zoology) Relating or belonging to the echinoderms.
ECHINODERMAL adj. of or like an echinoderm.
ENHARMONICALenharmonical adj. Alternative form of enharmonic.
ENHARMONICAL adj. relating to music constructed on a scale containing intervals of less than a semitone, also ENHARMONIC.
HARMONICALLYharmonically adv. In a harmonic manner.
HARMONICAL adv. concordant; musical; as, harmonic sounds.
HARMONIOUSLYharmoniously adv. In a harmonious manner; coordinately.
HARMONIOUS adv. musically concordant.
HARMONISABLEharmonisable adj. Alternative form of harmonizable.
HARMONISABLE adj. that can be harmonised, also HARMONIZABLE.
HARMONIZABLEharmonizable adj. That can be harmonized.
HARMONIZABLE adj. capable of being harmonized, also HARMONISABLE.
INHALATORIUMINHALATORIUM n. an institution or department for administering inhalations.
INHARMONICALinharmonical adj. Alternative form of inharmonic.
INHARMONICAL adj. lacking harmony, inharmonious, also INHARMONIC.
LACHRYMATIONlachrymation n. (Medicine or literary) The flow of tears; crying.
LACHRYMATION n. the secretion of tears, also LACRIMATION.
MALNOURISHEDmalnourished adj. Suffering from malnutrition.
malnourished v. Simple past tense and past participle of malnourish.
MALNOURISHED adj. undernourished.
MELANOCHROICmelanochroic adj. Having a dark complexion.
MELANOCHROIC adj. belonging to the melanochroi, having dark hair and white skin, also MELANOCHROOUS.
ORNITHOGALUMOrnithogalum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asparagaceae – plants called star-of-Bethlehem and close relatives.
ORNITHOGALUM n. a plant of a large genus of herbs of the family Liliaceae.
PHILHARMONICphilharmonic adj. (Music) Appreciative of music, but especially to its performance; devoted to music.
philharmonic n. (Music) A full-size symphony orchestra.
PHILHARMONIC adj. fond of music.
PROTHALAMIONprothalamion n. (Literary) A song or poem in honour of a bride and bridegroom about to be married.
PROTHALAMION n. (Spenser) a song in honour of a marriage, also PROTHALAMIUM.
THERMOHALINEthermohaline adj. Of, or relating to a combination of temperature and salinity.
thermohaline n. Thermohaline circulation.
THERMOHALINE adj. involving both temperature and salinity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 85 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 14 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 58 words

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