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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, I, M, N, O, S, T and Y

ACTINOMYCESactinomyces n. A bacterium (species) of the genus Actinomyces.
Actinomyces prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Actinomycetaceae – filamentous or rod-shaped bacteria that includes…
ACTINOMYCES n. a filamentous microorganism like both bacteria and fungi, also ACTINOMYCETE.
ACTOMYOSINSactomyosins n. Plural of actomyosin.
ACTOMYOSIN n. a protein found in skeletal muscle.
ALUMINOSITYALUMINOSITY n. the quality of resembling aluminium.
AMPHICTYONSamphictyons n. Plural of amphictyon.
AMPHICTYON n. (historical) a delegate to a council of an amphictyony, a group of states sharing common shrine (e.g. the Greek states sharing Delphi).
ANONYMITIESanonymities n. Plural of anonymity.
ANONYMITY n. the state of being anonymous.
ATTORNEYISMattorneyism n. The practice or peculiar cleverness of attorneys.
ATTORNEYISM n. the state of being an attorney.
CLAYMATIONSclaymations n. Plural of claymation.
CLAYMATION n. (tradename) the animation of clay or Plasticene figures.
CORYBANTISMcorybantism n. Corybantic behaviour.
CORYBANTISM n. the rites associated with corybants.
MASTODYNIASmastodynias n. Plural of mastodynia.
MASTODYNIA n. pain in the breasts.
MATRONYMICSmatronymics n. Plural of matronymic.
MATRONYMIC n. a name so derived, also METRONYMIC.
MISANTHROPYmisanthropy n. Hatred or dislike of people or mankind.
MISANTHROPY n. a hatred or distrust of humankind.
MYTHOMANIASmythomanias n. Plural of mythomania.
MYTHOMANIA n. an excessive or abnormal propensity for lying and exaggerating.
NONMYSTICALnonmystical adj. Not mystical.
NONMYSTICAL adj. not mystical.
PATRONYMICSpatronymics n. Plural of patronymic.
PATRONYMIC n. a name so derived.
SALINOMETRYsalinometry n. The measurement of salt concentration.
SALINOMETRY n. the measurement of salinity, also SALIMETRY.
SEISMONASTYseismonasty n. A nastic response to touch or vibration.
SEISMONASTY n. response to mechanical shock.
SEMITONALLYsemitonally adv. In a semitonal manner.
SEMITONAL adv. of or pertaining to a semitone, also SEMITONIC.
SYNONYMATICsynonymatic adj. Synonymous.
SYNONYMATIC adj. of, consisting of or relating to synonyms.
TAUTONYMIEStautonymies n. Plural of tautonymy.
TAUTONYMY n. the practice of using a specific name the same as the generic name.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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