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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, 2N, O, S, T and 2U

INAUGURATIONSinaugurations n. Plural of inauguration.
INAUGURATION n. an act of inaugurating.
INVULTUATIONSINVULTUATION n. the stabbing of a wax image of person to be injured as form of witchcraft.
MAGNITUDINOUSmagnitudinous adj. Having (great) magnitude.
MAGNITUDINOUS adj. having magnitude.
MOUNTAINOUSLYmountainously adv. In a mountainous manner.
MOUNTAINOUS adv. having mountains.
MOUNTENAUNCESMOUNTENAUNCE n. (Spenser) amount; distance, also MOUNTENANCE.
NANOSTRUCTUREnanostructure n. Any manufactured or natural structure having a scale between molecular and microscopic.
NONAUTONOMOUSnonautonomous adj. Not autonomous.
NONAUTONOMOUS adj. not autonomous.
NONSTRUCTURALnonstructural adj. Not structural; not related to a structure.
NONSTRUCTURAL adj. not structural.
NOTOUNGULATESnotoungulates n. Plural of notoungulate.
NOTOUNGULATE n. any one of an extinct group of herbivorous, hoofed mammals common in South America between the Palaeocene and Pleistocene eras, also NOTUNGULATE.
PUNCTULATIONSpunctulations n. Plural of punctulation.
PUNCTULATION n. the state of having small spots.
PUNCTURATIONSpuncturations n. Plural of puncturation.
PUNCTURATION n. being marked with punctures.
TYRANNOSAURUStyrannosaurus n. A large carnivorous dinosaur, of the genus Tyrannosaurus, found in North America during the late Cretaceous period.
Tyrannosaurus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Tyrannosauridae – tyrannosaurs.
TYRANNOSAURUS n. a large carnivorous lizard-hipped dinosaur, common during the Cretaceous period, also TYRANNOSAUR.
UNADVENTUROUSunadventurous adj. Not adventurous.
UNADVENTUROUS adj. not adventurous, also UNADVENTROUS.
UNCONSUMMATEDunconsummated adj. Not consummated.
UNCONSUMMATED adj. not consummated.
UNDULATIONISTundulationist n. (Archaic) One who believes that light is a wave.
UNDULATIONIST n. someone who holds the undulatory theory of light.
UNSATURATIONSunsaturations n. Plural of unsaturation.
UNSATURATION n. absence of saturation.
VERUMONTANUMSVERUMONTANUM n. a ridge on the male urethra where the duct conveying prostatic fluid, sperm and other fluids enters it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 76 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 10 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 42 words

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