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There are 18 five-letter words containing B, E, N and O

BEANObeano n. A beanfeast; any noisy celebration, a party.
beano n. (Figuratively) Any home-made gas or indigestion remedy.
beano n. Alternative form of bingo.
BELONBELON n. a type of oyster.
BENTObento n. A Japanese takeaway lunch served in a box, often with the food arranged into an elaborate design.
bento n. (Graphical user interface) menu icon of nine squares in a grid.
bentō n. Alternative spelling of bento.
BETONBETON n. (French) lime concrete.
BONCEbonce n. (British, Ireland, slang) The human head.
bonce n. (Dated) The kind of marble used in the game of bonce about.
BONCE n. a large marble used in games.
BONEDboned v. Simple past tense and past participle of bone.
boned adj. (In combination) Having some specific type of bone.
boned adj. (Art) Of computer-generated animations: based on models with simulated bones or joints.
BONERboner n. (Vulgar, slang) An erect penis.
boner n. (Literally) One who or that which bones (removes bones).
boner n. (Dated slang, especially baseball) A blunder; a silly mistake.
BONESbones n. Plural of bone.
bones n. A percussive folk musical instrument played as a pair in one hand, often made from bovine ribs.
bones n. (Informal) The act of two fists meeting together in the manner equivalent to a high-five.
BONEYboney adj. Alternative spelling of bony.
Boney prop.n. A surname.
Boney prop.n. (Slang) Napoleon Bonaparte.
BONIEBONIE adj. (Scots) bonny.
BONNEbonne n. A French nursemaid.
BONNE n. (French) a French maid or nursemaid.
BONZEbonze n. A Buddhist monk or priest in East Asia.
BONZE n. (Japanese) a Japanese or Chinese Buddhist religious teacher.
BORNEborne v. Past participle of bear.
borne adj. Carried, supported.
Borne prop.n. A surname.
BOWNEbowne v. (Transitive, obsolete) Alternative form of boun.
Bowne prop.n. A surname.
BOWNE v. to prepare, also BOUN.
BOXENboxen adj. Made of boxwood.
boxen adj. Resembling box (the wood).
boxen n. (Nonstandard, humorous) plural of box (“computer”).
EBONSebons n. Plural of ebon.
EBON n. a hard wood like stone, also EBONY, HEBEN.
EBONYebony n. (Uncountable) A hard, dense, deep black wood from various subtropical and tropical trees, especially…
ebony n. (Countable) A tree that yields such wood.
ebony n. (Countable and uncountable) A deep, dark black colour.
NOBLEnoble n. An aristocrat; one of aristocratic blood.
noble n. (Historical) A medieval gold coin of England in the 14th and 15th centuries, usually valued at 6s 8d.
noble adj. Having honorable qualities; having moral eminence and freedom from anything petty, mean or dubious in…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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