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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 8 five-letter words containing B, G, R and U

BOURGbourg n. Obsolete form of burgh.
bourg n. Obsolete form of borough.
Bourg prop.n. A surname from French.
BRUGHBrugh prop.n. A surname.
BRUGH n. a borough.
BRUNGbrung v. (Colloquial or dialectal, nonstandard) simple past and past participle of bring.
BRING v. to take with oneself to a place.
BURGHburgh n. (Sussex) a small mound, often used in reference to tumuli (mostly restricted to place names).
burgh n. (UK) a borough or chartered town (now only used as an official subdivision in Scotland).
Burgh prop.n. A topographical surname from Anglo-Norman for someone who lived in a fortified place.
BURGSburgs n. Plural of burg.
Burgs n. Plural of Burg.
BURG n. a fortified town.
GEBURgebur n. (Historical) In Anglo-Saxon law, the owner of an allotment or yard-land, usually consisting of 30 acres; a villein.
GEBUR n. (historical) a tenant-farmer in the pre-Conquest English community.
GRUBSgrubs n. Plural of grub.
grubs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of grub.
GRUB v. to dig around in the dirt.
RUGBYrugby n. (Usually uncountable, sports).
rugby n. (Countable) Ellipsis of rugby shirt (“a shirt of the kind worn by rugby players, usually short-sleeved…
rugby v. (Intransitive) To play rugby.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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