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There are 19 six-letter words containing B, L, M and R

AMBLERambler n. A slow-moving, comfortable horse or mule.
ambler n. Someone who walks at a leisurely pace; one who ambles.
Ambler prop.n. A surname.
BLAMERblamer n. One who blames.
Blamer prop.n. A surname.
BLAMER n. one who blames.
BROMALbromal n. (Organic chemistry) The compound tribromoacetaldehyde CBr3-CHO.
BROMAL n. an oily, colorless fluid obtained by the action of bromine on alcohol.
BRUMALbrumal adj. Belonging to winter; winterlike; wintry.
brumal adj. Occurring in winter.
BRUMAL adj. indicative of or occurring in the winter.
LABRUMlabrum n. (Entomology) The uppermost of the mouthparts (trophi) of a typical insect, such as a cockroach. Typically…
labrum n. (Anatomy) Any of several lip-like projections.
labrum n. A large basin of warm water, with an overhanging lip, in a Roman bath.
LAMBERlamber n. A farm worker who supervises the birth of lambs.
lamber n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of lamba (“Madagascan garment”).
LAMBER n. a ewe that is lambing.
LIMBERlimber adj. Flexible, pliant, bendable.
limber v. To cause to become limber; to make flexible or pliant.
limber n. (Military) A two-wheeled vehicle to which a wheeled artillery piece or caisson may be attached for transport.
LUMBARlumbar adj. Related to the lower back or loin, specifically the five vertebrae between the rib cage and the pelvis.
lumbar n. (Informal) The lumbar region.
lumbar n. A lumbar vertebra.
LUMBERlumber n. (North America) Wood sawn into planks or otherwise prepared for sale or use, especially as a building material.
lumber n. (Now rare) Old furniture or other items that take up room, or are stored away.
lumber n. (Figurative) Useless or cumbrous material.
MARBLEmarble n. (Uncountable, petrology) A metamorphic rock of crystalline limestone.
marble n. (Countable, games) A small ball used in games, originally of marble but now usually of glass or ceramic.
marble n. (In the plural, archaeology) Statues made from marble.
MARBLYmarbly adj. Characteristic of marble.
MARBLY adj. mottled.
RAMBLARAMBLA n. (Spanish) a dry ravine; a broad avenue esp. in Barcelona.
RAMBLEramble n. A leisurely stroll; a recreational walk in the countryside.
ramble n. A rambling; an instance of someone talking at length without direction.
ramble n. (Mining) A bed of shale over the seam of coal.
REMBLEremble v. (Chiefly East Midlands) To move in order to make tidy; to tidy or put away.
REMBLE v. to remove.
RUMBLErumble n. A low, heavy, continuous sound, such as that of thunder or a hungry stomach.
rumble n. (Slang) A street fight or brawl.
rumble n. A rotating cask or box in which small articles are smoothed or polished by friction against each other.
RUMBLYrumbly adj. Making a rumbling noise.
RUMBLY adj. tending to rumble.
UMBRALumbral adj. Of or pertaining to an umbra.
UMBRAL adj. of or like an umbra, a shadow.
UMBRELumbrel n. (Historical) An umbrere; the visor of a helmet.
UMBREL n. (Spenser) the visor of a helmet, also UMBRERE, UMBRIERE, UMBRIL.
UMBRILumbril n. Alternative form of umbrel.
UMBRIL n. (Spenser) the visor of a helmet, also UMBREL, UMBRERE, UMBRIERE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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