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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing B, L and 2S

BALSASbalsas n. Plural of balsa.
BALSA n. (Spanish) a tropical American tree, aka corkwood.
BASILSbasils n. Plural of basil.
BASIL n. an aromatic herb.
BASSLYbassly adv. In a bass tone.
BASS adv. of a voice, low in pitch.
BLASTSblasts n. Plural of blast.
blasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blast.
BLASTs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of BLAST.
BULSESbulses n. Plural of bulse.
BULSE n. a small bag for diamonds, gold dust etc.
BYSSALbyssal adj. (Malacology) Of or pertaining to the byssi, filaments secreted by certain bivalves.
BYSSAL adj. of or like byssus, a filamentous tuft by which molluscs attach themselves to rocks.
SABALSsabals n. Plural of sabal.
SABAL n. a variety of palm tree.
SABLESsables n. Plural of sable.
sables n. Black garments worn in mourning.
SABLE v. to darken.
SHLUBSshlubs n. Plural of shlub; alternative spelling of schlubs.
SHLUB n. (Yiddish) a stupid or unattractive person, also SCHLUB.
SIBYLSsibyls n. Plural of sibyl.
SIBYL n. (Greek) any of various women in classical antiquity supposed to utter the oracles and prophecies of a god, also SYBIL.
SLUBBSSLUBB v. to twist fibre after carding to prepare it for spinning, also SLUB.
SLURBSslurbs n. Plural of slurb.
SLURB n. a poorly planned suburban area.
STILBSstilbs n. Plural of stilb.
STILB n. the c/g/s unit of intrinsic brightness.
SYBILSSybils n. Plural of Sybil.
SYBIL n. (Greek) any of various women in classical antiquity supposed to utter the oracles and prophecies of a god, also SIBYL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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