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There are 16 seven-letter words containing 2B, E and H

BABICHEbabiche n. (North America) Thong(s) of rawhide or sinew used as cord, lacing, or webbing, in the manufacture of…
BABICHE n. (French) a thong or lace made of rawhide.
BABUCHEbabuche n. Alternative form of baboosh.
BABUCHE n. (French) a kind of heelless slipper, also BABOUCHE, BABOOSH.
BEDBATHbedbath n. Alternative form of bed bath.
bed-bath n. Alternative spelling of bedbath.
bed␣bath n. The washing of a person’s body (especially that of a patient) in bed.
BETHUMBbethumb v. (Transitive) To take hold of or mark with the thumbs; soil or mark with frequent thumbing.
BETHUMB v. to wear or soil with one's thumb.
BOBECHEbobeche n. Alternative form of bobèche.
bobèche n. A cup or ring at the top of a candlestick, used to catch melted wax running down the side of the candle.
BOBECHE n. a circular wax catcher that fits over a candle.
CHIBBEDchibbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chib.
CHIB v. (Scots) to slash with a sharp weapon.
HOBBERShobbers n. Plural of hobber.
HOBBER n. a machine used in making gears.
HOBBIEShobbies n. Plural of hobby.
Hobbies prop.n. Plural of Hobbie.
HOBBY n. a recreational pastime.
HOBBLEDhobbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of hobble.
HOBBLE v. to limp.
HOBBLERhobbler n. One who hobbles.
hobbler n. (Historical) One who by tenure was to maintain a horse for military service; a kind of light-horseman…
hobbler n. An unlicensed pilot, casual dock labourer, etc.
HOBBLEShobbles n. Plural of hobble.
hobbles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hobble.
HOBBLE v. to limp.
HUBBIEShubbies n. Plural of hubby.
HUBBY n. (colloquial) husband.
KIBBEHSkibbehs n. Plural of kibbeh.
KIBBEH n. (Arabic) an Eastern dish of ground lamb and crushed wheat, also KIBBE, KIBBI.
NEBBICHnebbich n. Alternative form of nebbish.
NEBBICH n. (Yiddish) a colourless, insignificant person, also NEBBISH, NEBBISHE, NEBBISHER, NEBISH.
NEBBISHnebbish n. One who is fearful and timid, especially in making decisions and plans, in discussions, debates, arguments…
NEBBISH n. (Yiddish) a colourless, insignificant person, also NEBBICH, NEBBISHE, NEBBISHER, NEBISH.
SHABBLEshabble n. (Scotland) A kind of crooked sword or hanger.
SHABBLE n. (Scots) an old rusty sword.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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