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There are 16 seven-letter words containing B, D and 2U

BUHUNDSBUHUND n. (Norwegian) a medium-sized Norwegian spitz dog.
BUILDUPbuildup n. An accumulation; an increase; a gradual development.
buildup n. (Dentistry) The construction of a composite core to repair a damaged tooth.
build-up n. Alternative form of buildup.
DUBIOUSdubious adj. (Of a statement, matter, or thing) Arousing doubt; questionable; open to suspicion.
dubious adj. (Of a person) In disbelief; wavering, uncertain, or hesitating in opinion; inclined to doubt; undecided.
dubious adj. (Chess, chiefly of an opening move) Generally considered imprecise or wrong, but not totally unplayable.
DUBNIUMdubnium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol Db) with atomic number 105.
dubnium n. (Chemistry, obsolete) A rejected name for rutherfordium.
DUBNIUM n. an element produced by bombarding plutonium with high energy neon ions.
FLUBDUBflubdub n. (Countable) A buffoon.
flubdub n. (Uncountable) Trivial matters; nonsense.
FLUBDUB n. pretentious nonsense.
MUDBUGSmudbugs n. Plural of mudbug; see crayfish.
MUDBUG n. a crayfish.
SUBDUALsubdual n. An act of subduing; a successful defeat.
SUBDUAL n. the act of subduing.
SUBDUCEsubduce v. To withdraw; to take away.
subduce v. To subtract by arithmetical operation; to deduct.
SUBDUCE v. to take away.
SUBDUCTsubduct v. (Transitive) To push under or below.
subduct v. (Intransitive) To move downwards underneath something.
subduct v. (Rare) To remove; to deduct; to take away; to disregard.
SUBDUEDsubdued adj. Conquered; overpowered; crushed; submissive.
subdued adj. Not glaring in color; soft and light in tone.
subdued v. Simple past tense and past participle of subdue.
SUBDUERsubduer n. One who, or that which, subdues.
SUBDUER n. one who subduers.
SUBDUESsubdues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subdue.
SUBDUE v. to bring under control, also SUBDEW.
UNBOUNDunbound v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbind.
unbound adj. Not bound; not tied up.
unbound adj. Without a binding.
UNBUILDunbuild v. (Transitive) To dismantle or deconstruct (something previously built).
UNBUILD v. to demolish; to raze.
UPBOUNDupbound adj. Directed or moving up or in a direction conventionally considered up; upstream.
upbound adv. Up or in a direction conventionally considered up; upstream.
UPBIND v. to bind completely.
UPBUILDupbuild v. (Transitive) To build up (literally).
upbuild v. (Transitive) To build up; to develop (figuratively).
UPBUILD v. to build up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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