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There are 14 seven-letter words containing B, F, O and T

BATFOWLBATFOWL v. to catch birds at night by confusing them with light.
BIGFOOTbigfoot v. (Transitive, informal, sometimes capitalized) To control or manage forcefully; to exercise authority over.
bigfoot v. (Intransitive, informal, sometimes capitalized) To behave in an authoritative, commanding manner.
Bigfoot n. (US, Canada, cryptozoology, folklore) A very large, hairy, humanoid creature, similar to the yeti, said…
BIOFACTbiofact n. (Archaeology) a biological artefact, not altered by human hands; e.g. a seed, or an uncarved wooden roof beam.
biofact n. (Philosophy, sociology, the arts) A hybrid of an artefact and a living entity, or between concepts of…
BIOFACT n. an item of biological information.
BOATFULboatful n. Enough of something to fill a boat, or a boat filled with the thing in question.
BOATFUL n. as much as a boat can hold.
FLYBOATflyboat n. A large flat-bottomed Dutch coasting vessel.
flyboat n. A kind of passenger boat formerly used on canals.
fly-boat n. Alternative form of flyboat.
FOOTBAGfootbag n. (Countable) A small beanbag or sandbag used as a ball in a number of sports and games. It is typically…
footbag n. (Uncountable) Any of the sports that use the footbag.
FOOTBAG n. a small bag filled with pellets that is kept aloft with the feet.
FOOTBARfootbar n. A bar for supporting a person’s foot, as in furniture or exercise machines.
FOOTBAR n. in an aeroplane, a bar operated by feet.
FOOTBEDfootbed n. A removable insole for a shoe.
FOOTBED n. the insole in a boot or shoe.
FOOTBOYfootboy n. (Now historical) A serving boy, attendant, page with similar duties to those of an adult footman.
FOOTBOY n. a page, an attendant, also FOOTPAGE.
FOYBOATfoyboat n. A small workboat primarily used to assist the mooring and servicing of a larger vessel, especially on…
FOYBOAT n. on Tyneside, a small rowing boat.
FROGBITfrogbit n. Hydrocharis morsus-ranae, with roundish leaves and small white flowers, that floats on still water and…
frogbit n. An American plant, Limnobium spongia, with similar propagation.
frogbit n. A South American plant, Limnobium laevigatum.
LIFTBOYliftboy n. A male elevator attendant.
LIFTBOY n. someone employed to operate a lift.
OFFBEAToffbeat n. (Music) The beats not normally accented in a measure.
offbeat n. (Slang) An unconventional person, someone who does not follow the beat, who chooses not to conform.
offbeat adj. Unusual; unconventional; not ordinary.
WEBFOOTwebfoot n. A foot that has toes connected by folds of skin.
webfoot n. A web-footed animal.
WEBFOOT n. a foot with the toes joined.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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