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There are 16 seven-letter words containing B, I, R and V

BOLIVARbolivar n. Alternative spelling of bolívar.
Bolivar prop.n. A city, the county seat of Polk County, Missouri, United States.
Bolivar prop.n. A village in Ohio.
BOUVIERBouvier prop.n. A surname from French, equivalent to English Coward or Cowherd.
BOUVIER n. (French) a large rough-coated dog originally bred in Flanders to herd and guard cattle.
BRAVINGbraving v. Present participle of brave.
braving n. A bravado; a boast.
BRAVE v. to face with courage.
BREVIERbrevier n. (Typography, printing, dated) The size of type between minion and bourgeois, standardized as 8-point.
BREVIER n. an old type size.
BREVITYbrevity n. (Uncountable) The quality of being brief in duration.
brevity n. (Uncountable) Succinctness; conciseness.
brevity n. (Rare, countable) A short piece of writing.
OVERBIDoverbid v. (Intransitive) To make an excessively high offer to pay or accept a price.
overbid v. (Transitive) To outbid.
overbid v. (Intransitive, card games) To announce a goal, before starting play, that exceeds the goal actually achieved.
OVERBIGoverbig adj. Excessively big.
OVERBIG adj. too big.
VERBIDSverbids n. Plural of verbid.
VERBID n. a nonfinite part of a verb.
VERBIFYverbify v. (Transitive, nonstandard) To use a noun as a verb via anthimeria.
verbify v. (Transitive, nonstandard, slang) To derive a verb from a pre-existing noun.
VERBIFY v. to use as a verb.
VERBILEverbile n. (Uncommon) A person whose mental imagery consists of words.
verbile adj. Pertaining to words.
VERBILE n. one whose mental imagery consists of words.
VERBINGverbing v. Present participle of verb.
VERBING n. the use of nouns as verbs.
VIBRANTvibrant adj. Pulsing with energy or activity.
vibrant adj. Lively and vigorous.
vibrant adj. Vibrating, resonant or resounding.
VIBRATEvibrate v. (Intransitive) To shake with small, rapid movements to and fro.
vibrate v. (Intransitive) To resonate.
vibrate v. (Transitive) To brandish; to swing to and fro.
VIBRATOvibrato n. (Music) The musical effect or technique where the pitch or frequency of a note or sound is quickly and…
VIBRATO n. (Italian) a tremulous or pulsating musical effect.
VIBRIONvibrion n. (Biology, archaic) A microorganism, especially one that is pathogenic.
VIBRION n. a bacterium with a slight spiral curve, also VIBRIO.
VIBRIOSvibrios n. Plural of vibrio.
VIBRIO n. a bacterium with a slight spiral curve, also VIBRION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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