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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing B, L, P and Y

BIOPLAYBIOPLAY n. a play based on the life of a famous person, esp. one giving a popular treatment.
BUMPILYbumpily adv. In a bumpy manner.
BUMPY adv. of uneven surface.
BYPLACEby-place n. A retired place, spot, or situation; somewhere out-of-the-way.
BYPLACE n. a secluded place.
BYPLAYSbyplays n. Plural of byplay.
by-plays n. Plural of by-play.
BYPLAY n. action subordinate to the main action, as in a play.
CAPABLYcapably adv. In a capable manner.
CAPABLE adv. competent.
EPIBOLYepiboly n. (Embryology) The expansion of one cell sheet over other cells, as takes place during gastrulation or…
EPIBOLY n. the process by which one set of cells spreads over and surrounds another by dividing more rapidly, as in gastrulation.
PAYABLEpayable adj. Due to be paid.
payable adj. Able to be paid.
payable adj. Of a mine etc.: capable of yielding profit; profitable.
PAYABLYpayably adv. Of a mine etc.: so as to yield profit; profitably.
PAYABLE adv. able to be paid.
PLAYBOYplayboy n. A single man, especially a wealthy one, who devotes himself to a life of leisure and pleasure, often…
Playboy prop.n. A brand of adult magazines introduced in the United States.
Playboy n. A Playboy magazine.
PLAYBUSplaybus n. A bus that provides mobile entertainment and education facilities for young children.
PLAYBUS n. a mobile playground.
PLEBIFYplebify v. (Transitive) To make plebeian; to vulgarize.
PLEBIFY v. to lower to vulgar standards.
PLIABLYpliably adv. In a pliable manner.
PLIABLE adv. easily bent.
PLOWBOYplowboy n. A boy plower, a boy who plows.
plowboy n. A boy who helps the plowman by driving the draught animals in front of the plow.
PLOWBOY n. a boy who drives or guides horses in ploughing, also PLOUGHBOY.
POLYBAGpolybag n. A plastic bag used to package a number of things together, but especially one used to package small…
POLYBAG v. to put into a polythene bag.
PYEBALDpyebald adj. Obsolete spelling of piebald.
pyebald n. Obsolete spelling of piebald.
PYEBALD n. a horse with patchy colours, also PIEBALD.
TYPABLEtypable adj. Alternative spelling of typeable.
TYPABLE adj. that can be typed, also TYPEABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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