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There are 18 seven-letter words containing B, N and 2T

BATTENSbattens n. Plural of batten.
Battens prop.n. Plural of Batten.
BATTEN v. to fasten with strips of wood.
BATTINGbatting n. (Sewing) Cotton, wool, silk or synthetic material used to stuff the inside of a mattress, quilt etc.
batting n. Special cotton for surgery.
batting n. The act of someone who bats.
BETTINGbetting adj. Describing one who bets or gambles.
betting v. Present participle of bet.
betting n. The act of placing a bet.
BETTONGbettong n. Any marsupial of the genus Bettongia, closely related to kangaroos.
BETTONG n. (Native Australian) an Australian rat kangaroo.
BITTERNbittern n. Several bird species in the Botaurinae subfamily of the heron family Ardeidae.
bittern n. The liquor remaining after halite (common salt) has been harvested from saline water (brine).
bittern n. The saline substance added to soy milk to coagulate it as a primary step in the production of tofu.
BITTINGbitting n. The part of a key that engages the tumblers to activate the lock.
bitting v. Present participle of bit.
bitting v. Present participle of bitt.
BLATANTblatant adj. Obvious, on show; unashamed; loudly obtrusive or offensive.
blatant adj. (Archaic) Bellowing; disagreeably clamorous; sounding loudly and harshly.
BLATANT adj. offensively obvious, also BLATTANT.
BOTNETSbotnets n. Plural of botnet.
BOTNET n. a network of infected computers.
BOTTINEbottine n. A small boot; a lady’s boot.
bottine n. An appliance resembling a small boot furnished with straps, buckles, etc., used to correct or prevent…
BOTTINE n. (French) a small boot; a surgical boot for correcting deformity.
BOTTINGbotting v. Present participle of bot.
BOT v. to cadge.
BOTTONYbottony adj. Alternative form of botony.
BOTTONY adj. having buds or knobs at the extremities, applied to a cross, also BOTONE, BOTONEE, BOTONNEE.
BUTMENTbutment n. (Architecture) A buttress of an arch; the supporter, or that part which joins it to the upright pier.
butment n. (Masonry) The mass of stone or solid work at the end of a bridge, by which the extreme arches are sustained…
BUTMENT n. the base of an architectural arch.
BUTTINGbutting v. Present participle of butt.
butting n. An abuttal; a boundary.
butting v. Present participle of but.
BUTTONSbuttons n. Plural of button.
buttons n. The dung of sheep.
buttons n. (Colloquial) A remote control.
BUTTONYbuttony adj. Having a large number of buttons.
buttony adj. Resembling a button or buttons.
buttony n. The manufacture of buttons.
TABINETtabinet n. A material made from wool and silk, used for curtains or clothes.
TABINET n. a delicate material, also TABBINET.
TURBANTturbant n. Obsolete form of turban.
TURBANT n. (Milton) a turban.
UNBITTSunbitts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbitt.
UNBITT v. (nautical) to uncoil or unfasten (a cable) from the bitts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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