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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing B, G, U and Y

ARGUABLYarguably adv. As can be supported or proven by sound logical deduction, evidence, and precedent.
ARGUABLE adv. capable of being disputed.
BROGUERYbroguery n. The presence of a brogue in speech.
BROGUERY n. the use of an Irish accent.
BUDDYINGbuddying v. Present participle of buddy.
BUDDY v. to become close friends.
BULLYINGbullying n. An act of intimidating a person to do something, especially such repeated coercion.
bullying n. Persistent acts intended to make life unpleasant for another person.
bullying v. Present participle of bully.
BULLYRAGbullyrag v. (Transitive) To harass, badger, taunt, or abuse verbally.
BULLYRAG v. to intimidate by bullying.
BUNDYINGBUNDY v. to clock on or clock off work.
BUOYAGESbuoyages n. Plural of buoyage.
BUOYAGE n. a group of buoys.
BURGLARYburglary n. The crime of unlawfully breaking into a vehicle, house, store, or other enclosure with the intent to steal.
BURGLARY n. a felonious theft.
BURGUNDYburgundy n. Alternative letter-case form of Burgundy (red wine).
burgundy n. (Color) A dark red colour tinged with purple, like that of Burgundy (red) wine.
burgundy adj. Of a deep purple red color like that of Burgundy wine.
DOUGHBOYdoughboy n. (US) An American infantryman, especially one from World War I.
doughboy n. A kind of flour dumpling.
doughboy n. Frybread.
GRUBBILYgrubbily adv. In a grubby manner.
GRUBBY adv. dirty.
GULLABLYgullably adv. Alternative form of gullibly.
GULLABLE adv. easily deceived, also GULLIBLE.
GULLIBLYgullibly adv. In a gullible way or manner.
GULLIBLY adv. in a way so as to be easily deceived, also GULLABLY.
GUNNYBAGgunnybag n. Alternative form of gunny-bag.
gunny-bag n. Gunny sack.
GUNNYBAG n. a bag made of gunny, a coarse jute fabric.
KEYBUGLEkey-bugle n. A bugle with keys that allow different notes to be played.
KEYBUGLE n. a bugle with keys.
LADYBUGSladybugs n. Plural of ladybug.
lady-bugs n. Plural of lady-bug.
LADYBUG n. a small beetle, also LADYBIRD, LADYCOW, LADYFLY.
MEALYBUGmealybug n. Any of various insects of the family Pseudococcidae, which secrete a powdery wax and are pests of fruit trees.
mealy␣bug n. Alternative spelling of mealybug.
MEALYBUG n. a destructive insect.
REBUYINGrebuying v. Present participle of rebuy.
REBUY v. to buy again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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