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There are 17 nine-letter words containing B, 2D and W

BANDSAWEDbandsawed v. Simple past tense of bandsaw.
BANDWIDTHbandwidth n. The width, usually measured in hertz, of a frequency band.
bandwidth n. (Of a signal) The width of the smallest frequency band within which the signal can fit.
bandwidth n. (Networking, informal) The rate of data flow in digital networks typically measured in bits per second; the bitrate.
BECROWDEDbecrowded v. Simple past tense and past participle of becrowd.
BECROWD v. to press closely together.
BEDWARFEDbedwarfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bedwarf.
BEDWARF v. to make small by comparison.
BINDWEEDSbindweeds n. Plural of bindweed.
BINDWEED n. any of various weeds that trail along the ground and twine themselves around other plants.
BLOODWOODbloodwood n. Any of various trees having red wood…
bloodwood n. (Uncountable) The wood of such trees.
BLOODWOOD n. a tree having the wood or the sap of the color of blood.
BUILDDOWNbuilddown n. A systematic, gradual reduction in the number of something (especially nuclear weapons), normally by…
build␣down v. (Card games) In solitaire card games, to place a card over another card of higher value (e.g. 4♦ over 5♣).
BUILDDOWN n. a planned reduction.
BULLWADDYBULLWADDY n. (Native Australian) an Australian tree, also BULWADDY, BULLWADDIE.
BULWADDEEBULWADDEE n. (Native Australian) a North Australian tree, also BULLWADDIE, BULLWADDY, BULWADDY.
DOWNBOUNDdownbound adj. Moving in a direction that is considered down, such as downstream or to a lower level.
downbound adv. Moving down.
DOWNBOUND adj. of e.g. a train, heading in a southerly directio.
SADDLEBOWsaddlebow n. Alternative form of saddle bow.
saddle-bow n. Alternative spelling of saddlebow.
saddle␣bow n. The front part of the saddle that is arched up like a bow.
WARDROBEDwardrobed v. Simple past tense and past participle of wardrobe.
WARDROBE v. to keep in a wardrobe.
WIDEBANDSWIDEBAND n. a wide bandwidth transmission.
WIDOWBIRDwidowbird n. Alternative spelling of widow bird.
widow␣bird n. Any of several species of birds in the family Viduidae, incorporating whydahs and widow finch.
WIDOWBIRD n. another name for the whydah.
WINDBOUNDwindbound adj. (Nautical) Unable to sail because of high winds, or of onshore winds.
WINDBOUND adj. hindered from sailing by contrary winds.
WOODBINDSwoodbinds n. Plural of woodbind.
WOODBIND n. the honeysuckle, also WOODBINE.
WORDBOUNDword-bound adj. Unable to find expression in words: thwarted in wordfinding.
WORDBOUND adj. unable to find expression in words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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