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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, I, S and X

BANXRINGSbanxrings n. Plural of banxring.
BANXRING n. (Javanese) a tree-shrew, an E. Indian insectivorous mammal, also BANGSRING.
BASIFIXEDbasifixed adj. (Botany) Said of anthers that are attached to the filament at the base and pointing away from the filament.
BASIFIXED adj. attached by the base.
BEAUXITESbeauxites n. Plural of beauxite.
BEAUXITE n. a claylike compound which is the main ore of aluminium, also BAUXITE.
BIOTOXINSbiotoxins n. Plural of biotoxin.
BIOTOXIN n. a poison of biological origin.
BISECTRIXbisectrix n. The line bisecting the angle between the optic axes of a biaxial crystal.
BISECTRIX n. the bisector of the angle between the optic axes of a crystal.
BISEXUALSbisexuals n. Plural of bisexual.
BISEXUAL n. one who is attracted to both sexes.
BOXERCISEboxercise n. A form of physical workout, combining boxing with aerobic exercise.
BOXERCISE n. exercise via boxing.
BOXFISHESboxfishes n. Plural of boxfish.
BOXFISH n. any one of several species of fishes of the genus Ostracion, aka trunkfish.
EXCISABLEexcisable adj. Liable or subject to excise.
EXCISABLE adj. liable or subject to excise; as, tobacco in an excisable commodity.
FIREBOXESfireboxes n. Plural of firebox.
fire␣boxes n. Plural of fire box.
FIREBOX n. a chamber in which fuel is burned.
KICKBOXESkickboxes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of kickbox.
KICKBOX v. to box in a style that allows kicking.
LISTBOXESlistboxes n. Plural of listbox.
list␣boxes n. Plural of list box.
LISTBOX n. a box on a computer screen that contains a list of options.
MAILBOXESmailboxes n. Plural of mailbox.
mail-boxes n. Plural of mail-box.
mail␣boxes n. Plural of mail box; Alternative form of mailboxes.
MAXIBOATSmaxi␣boats n. Plural of maxi boat.
MAXIBOAT n. a large racing yacht.
OBNOXIOUSobnoxious adj. Extremely offensive or unpleasant; very annoying, contemptible, or odious.
obnoxious adj. (Archaic or obsolete) Exposed or vulnerable to something, especially harm or injury.
obnoxious adj. (Obsolete).
PILLBOXESpillboxes n. Plural of pillbox.
pill-boxes n. Plural of pill-box.
PILLBOX n. a small box for pills.
SUBCLIMAXsubclimax n. (Ecology) A subordinate climax.
SUBCLIMAX n. a subordinate climax.
SUBMATRIXsubmatrix n. (Mathematics) A matrix formed by selecting certain rows and columns from a larger matrix.
SUBMATRIX n. part of a matrix.
SUBOXIDESsuboxides n. Plural of suboxide.
SUBOXIDE n. an oxide containing little oxygen.
TUBIFEXEStubifexes n. Plural of tubifex.
TUBIFEX n. a freshwater tubicolous worm used as bait.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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