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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2B, E, G and O

BARGEBOARDbargeboard n. (Architecture) Alternative spelling of barge board.
barge␣board n. A board fastened to the projecting gables of a roof to protect and hide other timbers.
BARGEBOARD n. a board projecting from a roof gable.
BEATBOXINGbeatboxing n. The practice of using one’s mouth, lips, tongue, voice, etc. as a percussive instrument to create beats…
beatboxing v. Present participle of beatbox.
beat-boxing n. Alternative form of beatboxing.
BEBLOODINGbeblooding v. Present participle of beblood.
BEBLOOD v. to cover with blood.
BELABORINGbelaboring v. Present participle of belabor.
BELABOR v. to buffet, beat, also BELABOUR.
BIBLIOPEGYbibliopegy n. The art of bookbinding.
BIBLIOPEGY n. the art of binding books.
BOBSLEIGHSbobsleighs n. Plural of bobsleigh.
BOBSLEIGH n. a short sledge.
BOBWEIGHTSbobweights n. Plural of bobweight.
BOBWEIGHT n. a balance weight.
CLOBBERINGclobbering v. Present participle of clobber.
clobbering n. (Informal) A beating; a thrashing; a thorough defeat.
clobbering adj. That clobbers.
COBWEBBINGcobwebbing n. (Mathematics) A graphical technique for solving discrete-time systems, useful in finding the stationary points.
COBWEB v. to cover with spider webs.
DOGROBBERSdogrobbers n. Plural of dogrobber.
dog␣robbers n. Plural of dog robber.
DOGROBBER n. an army cook.
GOBBELINESGOBBELINE n. (Spenser) a goblin.
SLOBBERINGslobbering v. Present participle of slobber.
slobbering n. The act of one who slobbers.
SLOBBER v. to drool, also SLABBER.
SUBGLOBOSEsubglobose adj. Almost globose.
SUBGLOBOSE adj. not quite globose.
WOBBEGONGSwobbegongs n. Plural of wobbegong.
WOBBEGONG n. (Native Australian) a carpet shark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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