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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2B, L, M and U

ABCOULOMBSabcoulombs n. Plural of abcoulomb.
ABCOULOMB n. the unit of electric charge, equal to ten coulombs.
ALBUMBLATTalbumblatt n. (Music) A short instrumental composition, usually performed on the piano and light in character.
ALBUMBLATT n. (German) a short occasional instrumental composition, usually light in character.
BEJUMBLINGbejumbling v. Present participle of bejumble.
BEJUMBLE v. to mix confusedly.
BUBBLEGUMSbubblegums n. Plural of bubblegum.
bubble-gums n. Plural of bubble-gum.
bubble␣gums n. Plural of bubble gum.
BUMBAILIFFbumbailiff n. (UK, obsolete) A bound bailiff.
BUMBAILIFF n. a bailiff who comes behind to make arrests.
BUMBLEBEESbumblebees n. Plural of bumblebee.
bumble-bees n. Plural of bumble-bee.
bumble␣bees n. Plural of bumble bee.
BUMBLEDOMSbumbledoms n. Plural of bumbledom.
BUMBLEDOM n. self-importance in a minor office.
BUMBLINGLYbumblingly adv. In a bumbling manner.
BUMBLING adv. clumsy.
HUMBLEBEEShumblebees n. Plural of humblebee.
humble-bees n. Plural of humble-bee.
HUMBLEBEE n. a bumblebee.
HUMBLEBRAGhumblebrag n. An ostensibly self-deprecating statement made to show off.
humblebrag v. To make a humblebrag.
HUMBLEBRAG v. to make a statement that purports to be self-effacing but in fact reveals a person's wealth or importance.
NUMBERABLEnumberable adj. Capable of being numbered or counted.
NUMBERABLE adj. that can be numbered.
STUMBLEBUMstumblebum n. A blundering or awkward person.
stumblebum n. An inept prizefighter.
stumblebum n. (Slang) A homeless person.
SUBLIMABLEsublimable adj. (Chemistry) Capable of being sublimed or sublimated.
SUBLIMABLE adj. capable of being sublimed or sublimated.
SUBPROBLEMsubproblem n. A problem whose solution contributes to the solution of a larger problem.
sub-problem n. Alternative spelling of subproblem.
SUBPROBLEM n. a subdivision of a problem.
SUBSUMABLEsubsumable adj. That can be subsumed.
SUBSUMABLE adj. capable of being subsumed.
TUMBLEBUGStumblebugs n. Plural of tumblebug.
TUMBLEBUG n. a dung beetle, that rolls up balls of dung for protection and nourishment of young.
UNBLAMABLEunblamable adj. Alternative spelling of unblameable.
UNBLAMABLE adj. that cannot be blamed, also UNBLAMEABLE.
UNBLAMABLYunblamably adv. Alternative spelling of unblameably.
UNBLAMABLE adv. that cannot be blamed, also UNBLAMEABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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