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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing B, 2C, H and I

ACROPHOBICacrophobic adj. Of or pertaining to or suffering from acrophobia.
acrophobic n. A person who has acrophobia.
ACROPHOBIC adj. suffering from acrophobia, fear of heights.
BACCHANTICbacchantic adj. Bacchanalian.
bacchantic adj. Pertaining to the clergy of Bacchus.
BACKSTITCHbackstitch n. (Sewing) A type of sewing stitch where the stitch goes backwards on the top side of the fabric and doubles…
backstitch v. To sew with a backstitch.
BACKSTITCH n. a stitch made by setting the needle back of the end of the last stitch, and bringing it out in front of the end.
BECHANCINGbechancing v. Present participle of bechance.
BECHANCE v. to happen by chance.
BLOCKCHAINblockchain n. A shared record of past transactions in a distributed network, typically used for cryptocurrency.
block␣chain n. A chain in which the alternate links are broad blocks connected by thin side links pivoted to the ends…
BLOCKCHAIN n. a system in which records of transactions using bitcoins are stored and may be accessed by linked computers.
BRONCHITICbronchitic adj. Of or pertaining to bronchitis.
bronchitic n. A person who has bronchitis.
BRONCHITIC adj. of or pertaining to bronchitis.
CHAIRBACKSchairbacks n. Plural of chairback.
CHAIRBACK n. the part of a chair that supports the sitter's back.
CHERUBICALcherubical adj. Cherubic.
CHERUBICAL adj. like a cherub, also CHERUBIC.
CHERUBIMICcherubimic adj. Of or relating to cherubim.
CHERUBIMIC adj. like a cherub.
CHOLIAMBICcholiambic adj. (Poetry) Employing or relating to choliambs, or limping iambs.
choliambic n. (Poetry) A choliamb.
CHOLIAMBIC n. a verse having an iambus in the fifth place, and a spondee in the sixth or last, also CHOLIAMB.
CHORIAMBICchoriambic adj. Of or relating to a choriamb.
choriambic n. A choriamb.
CHORIAMBIC n. a metrical foot comprising a trochee and an iambus, also CHORIAMB, CHORIAMBUS.
CIBACHROMECibachrome n. A reproduction of a film transparency on photopaper, made using a dye-destruction positive-to-positive…
CIBACHROME n. a type of colour print made directly form a colour transparency.
COACHBUILTcoachbuilt adj. Alternative form of coach-built.
coach-built adj. (Of a vehicle) Having specially built bodywork, built to order.
COACHBUILT adj. of a vehicle body, built to individula specifications by coachbuilders.
LIBECCHIOSlibecchios n. Plural of libecchio.
LIBECCHIO n. (Milton) a strong westerly (or southwesterly) wind that blows on to Corsica's western coast, also LIBECCIO.
PINCHBECKSpinchbecks n. Plural of pinchbeck.
PINCHBECK n. a gold-like alloy of copper and zinc; tawdry jewellery.
SWITCHBACKswitchback n. (Rail transport).
switchback n. (By extension).
switchback v. (Intransitive) To take a zigzag course or path.
TRIBRACHICtribrachic adj. Composed of three short (or unstressed) syllables.
tribrachic adj. Relating to, or composed of tribrachs.
TRIBRACHIC adj. of or like a tribrach, also TRIBRACHIAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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