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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, F, 2L and O

BALLFLOWERballflower n. Alternative form of ball flower.
ball-flower n. (Architecture) An ornament resembling a ball placed in a circular flower, whose petals form a cup around…
ball␣flower n. (Architecture) An embellishment found on medieval buildings, consisting of a ball enclosed in the petals of a flower.
BEDFELLOWSbedfellows n. Plural of bedfellow.
BEDFELLOW n. one who shares a bed.
BELLFLOWERbellflower n. Any of many plants that produce flowers that are bell-like.
bellflower n. A flower of one of these plants, which is shaped like a bell.
Bellflower prop.n. A city in Los Angeles County, California, United States.
BELLYFLOPSbellyflops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bellyflop.
belly-flops n. Plural of belly-flop.
belly␣flops n. Plural of belly flop.
BIOFUELLEDbiofuelled adj. Alternative form of biofueled.
BIOFUELLED adj. running on biofuel, also BIOFUELED.
BLINDFOLDSblindfolds n. Plural of blindfold.
blindfolds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blindfold.
BLINDFOLD v. to cover someone's eyes to prevent them seeing.
BOASTFULLYboastfully adv. In a boastful manner.
BOASTFUL adv. given to boasting.
BOTTLEFULSbottlefuls n. Plural of bottleful.
BOTTLEFUL n. the contents of a bottle.
DOUBTFULLYdoubtfully adv. In a doubtful manner, in context of doubt or ambiguity, questionably.
DOUBTFUL adv. worthy of doubt.
FABULOUSLYfabulously adv. In a fabulous manner.
fabulously adv. In fables.
FABULOUS adv. amazing, excellent.
FALLBOARDSfallboards n. Plural of fallboard.
FALLBOARD n. a cover for a piano keyboard.
FIBRILLOSEfibrillose adj. Covered with fibrils, such as fungi or the undersurface of some lichens.
FIBRILLOSE adj. having, or covered with, small fibres or the appearance of small fibres.
FIBRILLOUSfibrillous adj. Alternative spelling of fibrillose.
FIBRILLOUS adj. relating to or having small fibres.
FLYBLOWINGflyblowing v. Present participle of flyblow.
FLYBLOW v. to taint with the egg of a fly.
FOLLOWABLEfollowable adj. Able to be followed.
FOLLOWABLE adj. that can be followed.
FOOTBALLERfootballer n. (Soccer, UK) One who plays association football.
footballer n. (Australia) Any fish in the kyphosid subfamily Microcanthinae, so named for the resemblance of their…
FOOTBALLER n. one who plays football, also FOOTBALLIST.
FULLBLOODSfull-bloods n. Plural of full-blood.
FULLBLOOD n. a person of unmixed race.
LIFEBLOODSlifebloods n. Plural of lifeblood.
LIFEBLOOD n. the blood necessary to life.
OLFACTIBLEolfactible adj. Having an odor; capable of being smelled.
OLFACTIBLE adj. able to be smelled.
SOFTBALLERsoftballer n. A softball player.
SOFTBALLER n. one who plays softball.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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