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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing B, I, O and 2P

BARHOPPINGbarhopping v. Present participle of barhop.
bar␣hopping v. Present participle of bar hop.
BARHOP v. to go from one bar to another.
BEDROPPINGbedropping v. Present participle of bedrop.
BEDROP v. to sprinkle as with drops.
BUPROPIONSBUPROPION n. an antidepressant drug used in the treatment of nicotine addiction.
HIPPOPHOBEhippophobe n. One who fears or dislikes horses.
HIPPOPHOBE n. a hater of horses.
OPPROBRIUMopprobrium n. (Countable, archaic) A cause, object, or situation of disgrace or shame.
opprobrium n. (Uncountable).
OPPROBRIUM n. something that brings disgrace; infamy, contempt.
PANOPHOBIApanophobia n. A condition of groundless fears.
panophobia n. (By confusion) Panphobia, pantophobia: fear of everything.
PANOPHOBIA n. the morbid fear of everything, also PANTOPHOBIA.
PIMPMOBILEpimpmobile n. (Slang) An extravagantly large or ornate automobile, presumably suitable for a pimp.
PIMPMOBILE n. a car used by a pimp.
PRESBYOPIApresbyopia n. (Pathology) Inability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects.
PRESBYOPIA n. long-sightedness in old age, also PRESBYOPY.
PRESBYOPICpresbyopic adj. Affected by or pertaining to presbyopia.
presbyopic n. An individual who has presbyopia.
PRESBYOPIC adj. affected by presbyopia.
PYROPHOBIApyrophobia n. An fear or hatred of fire or flames.
PYROPHOBIA n. fear of fire.
PYROPHOBICpyrophobic adj. Suffering from pyrophobia; afraid of fire.
pyrophobic n. A person who is afraid of fire.
PYROPHOBIC n. one having an irrational fear of fires.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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