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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 15 fifteen-letter words containing B, 2D, E and L

BLOCKHEADEDNESSblockheadedness n. The state or condition of being blockheaded.
BLOCKHEADEDNESS n. the state of being blockheaded.
DEDUCIBLENESSESDEDUCIBLENESS n. the state of being deducible.
DEDUCTIBILITIESdeductibilities n. Plural of deductibility.
DEDUCTIBILITY n. the quality of being deductible.
DEGRADABILITIESdegradabilities n. Plural of degradability.
DEGRADABILITY n. the quality of being degradable.
DEPENDABILITIESdependabilities n. Plural of dependability.
DEPENDABILITY n. the state of being dependable.
DISCOMBOBULATEDdiscombobulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of discombobulate.
discombobulated adj. (Informal) Confused, embarrassed, upset.
discombobulated adj. (Informal) Broken, mixed up.
DISEQUILIBRATEDdisequilibrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of disequilibrate.
DISEQUILIBRATE v. to put out of balance.
DODECASYLLABLESdodecasyllables n. Plural of dodecasyllable.
DODECASYLLABLE n. a line of twelve syllables.
HOBBLEDEHOYDOMSHOBBLEDEHOYDOM n. the state of being a hobbledehoy, an awkward young fellow, also HOBBLEDEHOYHOOD, HOBBLEDEHOYISM.
HOBBLEDEHOYHOODhobbledehoyhood n. The period or time of being a hobbledehoy; awkward adolescence.
HOBBLEDEHOYHOOD n. the state of being a hobbledehoy, an awkward young fellow, also HOBBLEDEHOYDOM, HOBBLEDEHOYISM.
PHOTODEGRADABLEphotodegradable adj. Capable of being chemically broken down as the result of a photochemical reaction.
PHOTODEGRADABLE adj. chemically degradable by the action of light.
UNBRIDLEDNESSESUNBRIDLEDNESS n. the state of being unbridled.
UNDEPENDABILITYundependability n. The quality of being undependable.
UNDERPUBLICIZEDunderpublicized adj. Given inadequate publicity.
UNDERPUBLICIZED adj. insufficiently publicized, also UNDERPUBLICISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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