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There are 14 six-letter words containing B, 2E, R and T

BEATERbeater n. Someone or something that beats.
beater n. A kitchen implement for mixing.
beater n. A stick used to play a percussion instrument.
BEFRETBEFRET v. to gnaw.
BELTERbelter n. (Britain, informal) Anything that is particularly good of its class.
belter n. (Britain, informal) A very good-looking person.
belter n. One who sings forcefully.
BERATEberate v. (Transitive) to chide or scold vehemently.
BERATE v. to scold severely.
BEREFTbereft v. Simple past tense and past participle of bereave.
bereft adj. (Of a person) Pained by the loss of someone.
bereft adj. Deprived of, lacking, stripped of, robbed of.
BERETSberets n. Plural of beret.
BERET n. a flat round woollen cap, also BERRET.
BERRETberret n. Archaic form of beret.
BERRET n. a round close-fitting brimless cap of soft wool material or felt, also BERET.
BERTHEBERTHE n. a woman's deep lace collar to hide a low neckline, also BERTHA.
BETTERbetter adj. Comparative degree of good.
better adj. Comparative degree of well.
better adj. Greater in amount or quantity.
BREESTBREEST n. (Scots) breast, also BREIST.
BREVETbrevet n. A military document entitling a commissioned officer to hold a higher rank temporarily, but without…
brevet n. A warrant from the government, granting a privilege, title, or dignity, as in France.
brevet n. An organized, long-distance bicycle ride — not a race, but a test of endurance — which follows a designated…
REBATErebate n. A deduction from an amount that is paid; an abatement.
rebate n. The return of part of an amount already paid.
rebate n. (Photography) The edge of a roll of film, from which no image can be developed.
REBITErebite v. (Transitive) To freshen worn lines in (an etched plate) by subjecting it to acid again.
REBITE v. in engraving, to freshen a plate by a new application of acid.
TREBLEtreble adj. High in pitch.
treble adj. (Music) Pertaining to the highest singing voice or part in harmonized music; soprano.
treble adj. (Dated) Threefold, triple.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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