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There are 17 seven-letter words containing 2B, R, S and U

BARBUTSbarbuts n. Plural of barbut.
BARBUT n. a type of helmet.
BURBLESburbles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of burble.
BURBLE v. to speak quickly and incoherently.
BURBOTSburbots n. Plural of burbot.
BURBOT n. a long, slender, freshwater fish of cod family, aka eelpout.
BUSBARSbusbars n. Plural of busbar.
bus␣bars n. Plural of bus bar.
BUSBAR n. an electric conductor connecting various circuits.
DUBBERSdubbers n. Plural of dubber.
DUBBER n. one that dubs.
LUBBERSlubbers n. Plural of lubber.
LUBBER n. a clumsy fellow, also LUBBARD.
NUBBERSnubbers n. Plural of nubber.
NUBBER n. in baseball, a weakly hit ball.
RUBBERSrubbers n. Plural of rubber.
rubbers n. (Obsolete) Rubber overshoes; galoshes.
rubbers n. A disease of sheep, with great heat and itchiness.
RUBBIESRUBBY n. (Canadian slang) rubbing alcohol, esp. when mixed with cheap red wine.
RUBBISHrubbish n. (Chiefly Australia, New Zealand, Britain) Refuse, waste, garbage, junk, trash.
rubbish n. (By extension, chiefly Australia, New Zealand, Britain) An item, or items, of low quality.
rubbish n. (By extension, chiefly Australia, New Zealand, Britain) Nonsense.
RUBBLESrubbles n. Plural of rubble.
RUBBLE v. to reduce into pieces.
SCRUBBYscrubby adj. Covered with or consisting of scrub.
scrubby adj. Inferior in size or quality.
SCRUBBY adj. inferior in size or quality.
SHRUBBYshrubby adj. Of or resembling a shrub; fruticose.
shrubby adj. Planted or covered with shrubs.
SHRUBBY adj. covered with shrubs.
SLUBBERslubber v. To do hastily, imperfectly, or sloppily.
slubber v. To daub; to stain; to cover carelessly.
slubber v. To slobber.
SNUBBERsnubber n. A device used to suppress ("snub") voltage transients in electrical systems, pressure transients in…
snubber n. (Rare) One who snubs.
SNUBBER n. a device for stopping a rope; a shock absorber.
SUBURBSsuburbs n. Plural of suburb.
suburbs n. The populated area surrounding a city.
SUBURB n. a residential area adjacent to a city.
TUBBERStubbers n. Plural of tubber.
TUBBER n. one who tubs i.e. takes baths.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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