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There are 12 seven-letter words containing B, H, I, O and T

BIOTECHbiotech n. (Uncountable) Biotechnology.
biotech n. (Countable) A company specializing in biotechnology, or stock in such a company.
BIOTECH n. applied biological science.
BOOSHITbooshit n. (Dialect, nonstandard) Alternative form of bullshit.
BOOSHIT adj. (Australian slang) excellent.
BOTHIESbothies n. Plural of bothie.
BOTHY n. (Scots) a hut, cabin, also BOTHIE.
BOTHRIAbothria n. Plural of bothrium.
BOTHRIUM n. (Latin) a groove on a tapeworm.
COHABITcohabit v. (Intransitive) To live together with someone else, especially in a romantic and sexual relationship…
cohabit v. (Intransitive) To coexist in common environs with.
cohabit v. (Intransitive, archaic) To engage in sexual intercourse; see coition.
COHIBITcohibit v. (Obsolete, transitive) To restrain.
COHIBIT v. to restrain.
HOBBITShobbits n. Plural of hobbit.
HOBBIT n. one of a race of imaginary beings, half human size, hole-dwelling and hairy-footed, invented by JRR Tolkien in his novel 'The Hobbit'.
HOLIBUTholibut n. Archaic form of halibut.
HOLIBUT n. a flatfish, also HALIBUT.
HOWBEIThowbeit conj. (Archaic) Although.
howbeit adv. (Archaic) Be that as it may; nevertheless.
HOWBEIT conj. notwithstanding.
ISOBATHisobath n. A line on a map or chart joining places of equal depth of water; a depth contour.
ISOBATH n. a contour line connecting points of equal water depth.
PHOBISTphobist n. (Dated) A person who has a phobia.
PHOBIST n. someone with a phobia.
THROMBIthrombi n. Plural of thrombus.
THROMBUS n. (Greek) a clot occluding a blood vessel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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