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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing B, L, M, O and U

BUMMALObummalo n. Bombay duck (flesh of the edible lizardfish).
BUMMALO n. (Marathi) a small marine Asiatic fish used in India as a relish; aka Bombay duck, also BUMALO, BUMALOTI, BUMMALOTI.
BUXOMLYbuxomly adv. In a buxom way.
BUXOM adv. healthily plump.
COULOMBcoulomb n. In the International System of Units, the derived unit of electric charge; the amount of electric charge…
COULOMB n. (French) the SI unit of electric charge.
EMBOLUSembolus n. (Pathology) An obstruction causing an embolism: a blood clot, air bubble or other matter carried by…
embolus n. (Zoology) The structure on the end of the palp of male arachnids which contains the opening to the ejaculatory duct.
EMBOLUS n. (Latin) a clot or air bubble obstructing a blood-vessel.
GUMBOILgumboil n. (Medicine) A small suppurating inflamed spot on the gum.
GUMBOIL n. an abscess in the gums.
LIMBOUSlimbous adj. (Anatomy) With slightly overlapping borders; said of a suture.
LIMBOUS adj. overlapping.
LUMBAGOlumbago n. (Uncountable) Backache of the lumbar region or lower back, which can be caused by muscle strain or a slipped disc.
lumbago n. (Countable) An episode of such backache.
lumbago v. (Transitive) To affect (someone) with lumbago.
NELUMBOnelumbo n. Any of the genus Nelumbo of aquatic plants with large, showy flowers resembling water lilies, the lotuses.
Nelumbo prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Nelumbonaceae – the sacred lotus and the American lotus, resembling…
NELUMBO n. (Tamil) a plant of the Nelumbium genus of waterlilies that includes the sacred lotus, also NELUMBIUM.
UMBONALumbonal adj. Relating to the umbo.
UMBONAL adj. of or like an umbo, the boss of a shield, also UMBONIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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