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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing B, C, 2L and S

BACILLUSbacillus n. Any of various rod-shaped, spore-forming aerobic bacteria in the genus Bacillus, some of which cause disease.
bacillus n. Any bacilliform (rod-shaped) bacterium.
bacillus n. (Figurative, by extension) Something which spreads like bacterial infection.
BALLOCKSballocks n. Alternative form of bollocks.
ballocks v. Alternative form of bollocks.
BALLOCKS v. (vulgar) to make a mess of, also BOLLIX, BOLIX, BOLLOCKS, BOLLOX.
BELLCASTBELLCAST adj. designating a style of roof architecture.
BOLLOCKSbollocks n. (Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, vulgar) The testicles (sometimes used in the singular).
bollocks n. (Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, vulgar) Nonsense or information deliberately intended to mislead.
bollocks n. (Ireland, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, vulgar, used as singular) An idiot, an ignorant or disagreeable person.
BUCELLASBucellas n. A Portuguese wine from an area to the north of Lisbon.
BUCELLAS n. (Portuguese) a white wine from Bucellas near Lisbon.
BULLACESbullaces n. Plural of bullace.
BULLACE n. a small wild plum fruit and tree.
BULLOCKSbullocks n. Plural of bullock.
bullocks n. (Slang, euphemistic) Testicles.
bullocks interj. (Slang, euphemistic) Expression of frustration.
CALLBOYScallboys n. Plural of callboy.
call-boys n. Plural of call-boy.
call␣boys n. Plural of call boy.
CLOSABLEclosable adj. Alternative spelling of closeable.
CLOSABLE adj. able to be closed, also CLOSEABLE.
COWBELLScowbells n. Plural of cowbell.
cow␣bells n. Plural of cow bell.
COWBELL n. a bell worn around a cow's neck.
ICEBALLSiceballs n. Plural of iceball.
ICEBALL n. a ball game played on ice.
SCALABLEscalable adj. Capable of being climbed.
scalable adj. Able to be changed in scale; resizeable.
scalable adj. (Computing, logistics, business) Able to greatly increase in capacity, with relative ease.
SCALABLYscalably adv. In a scalable manner.
SCALABLE adv. that can be scaled, also SCALEABLE.
SCUMBALLscumball adj. (Slang) Sleazy, disreputable, or despicable.
scumball n. (Slang) A sleazy, disreputable, or despicable person; a lowlife.
SCUMBALL n. a dirtbag.
SIBYLLICsibyllic adj. Of or relating to a sibyl (pagan female oracle or prophetess).
SIBYLLIC adj. of or like a sibyl, also SIBYLIC, SIBYLLINE.
SUBCELLSsubcells n. Plural of subcell.
SUBCELL n. a subdivision of a cell.
SYLLABICsyllabic adj. Of, relating to, or consisting of a syllable or syllables.
syllabic adj. Pronounced with every syllable distinct.
syllabic adj. (Linguistics) Designating a sound that is or can be the most sonorant segment of a syllable, as a vowel…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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