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There are 13 eight-letter words containing B, 2D, I and U

AUDIBLEDaudibled v. Simple past tense and past participle of audible.
AUDIBLE v. to call out such a plan.
BUDDIESTBUDDY adj. having buds.
BUDDINGSbuddings n. Plural of budding.
BUDDING n. a type of asexual reproduction.
BUDDLEIAbuddleia n. A tree or shrub of the genus Buddleja, especially Buddleja davidii, a large ornamental shrub whose lilac…
Buddleia prop.n. Alternative form of Buddleja.
BUDDLEIA n. a flowering shrub, aka butterfly bush.
BUDDLINGbuddling v. Present participle of buddle.
BUDDLE v. to wash for ore on shallow tray.
BUDDYINGbuddying v. Present participle of buddy.
BUDDY v. to become close friends.
DISBOUNDdisbound adj. (Of a page) removed from a bound volume.
disbound v. To extend beyond its normal bounds.
DISBOUND adj. not having a binding.
DUBBINEDdubbined v. Simple past tense and past participle of dubbin.
DUBBIN v. to apply a preparation of grease to leather.
PUDIBUNDpudibund adj. Shy, bashful; prudish.
PUDIBUND adj. shamefaced; prudish.
SUBSIDEDsubsided v. Simple past tense and past participle of subside.
SUBSIDE v. to sink to a lower or normal level.
UNBIDDENunbidden adj. Not invited, requested or asked for.
UNBIDDEN adj. not bid or commanded, also UNBID.
UNBODIEDunbodied adj. (Archaic) disembodied; without a body; separated from the body.
UNBODIED adj. having no body.
UNDERBIDunderbid v. To bid too low.
underbid v. To bid lower than another.
underbid v. (Bridge) To bid less than the full value of a hand of cards.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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