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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing B, I, K, L and R

BALDRICKbaldrick n. Alternative form of baldric.
BALDRICK n. a warrior's sword belt, also BALDRIC, BAUDRIC, BAUDRICK, BAWDRIC.
BARKLIKEbarklike adj. Resembling the bark of a tree.
BARKLIKE adj. like a dog's bark.
BARNLIKEbarnlike adj. Resembling a barn.
BARNLIKE adj. like a barn.
BAULKIERbaulkier adj. Comparative form of baulky: more baulky.
BAULKY adj. stubborn.
BEARLIKEbearlike adj. Having physical or temperamental characteristics like those of a bear.
bearlike adj. Like that of a bear.
BEARLIKE adj. like a bear.
BIRDLIKEbirdlike adj. Similar to a bird or an aspect of a bird; reminiscent of birds; avian.
birdlike adv. (Postpositive) In the manner of a bird; as, to fly.
bird-like adj. Alternative form of birdlike.
BLINKARDblinkard n. (Obsolete) One with bad eyes.
blinkard n. A dim-witted or stupid person; an idiot.
BLINKARD n. (archaic) one who blinks or has weak eyes.
BLINKERSblinkers n. Plural of blinker.
blinkers n. A pair of leather or rubber eye cups attached to a horse hood in order to impede the rear vision of…
blinkers n. (Plural only) A kind of goggles, used to protect the eyes from glare, dust, etc.
BLOCKIERblockier adj. Comparative form of blocky: more blocky.
BLOCKY adj. block-like.
BRICKLESbrickles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of brickle.
BRICKLE n. a brittle candy.
BYRLAKINBYRLAKIN interj. (archaic) a mediaeval oath, by Our Lady, also BYRLADY.
CRABLIKEcrablike adj. Having some characteristics of a crab.
crablike adj. Walking or moving sideways.
CRABLIKE adj. like a crab.
HERBLIKEherblike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a herb.
HERBLIKE adj. like a herb.
KILOBARSkilobars n. Plural of kilobar.
KILOBAR n. a unit of atmospheric pressure.
KOHLRABIkohlrabi n. Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes, a variety of the cabbage, having a turnip-shaped edible stem.
KOHLRABI n. (German) a variety of cabbage.
ROBELIKErobelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a robe (item of clothing).
ROBELIKE adj. like a robe.
RUBYLIKErubylike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a ruby.
RUBYLIKE adj. like a ruby.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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