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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2B, D, I and N

BAILBONDSbailbonds n. Plural of bailbond.
bail␣bonds n. Plural of bail bond.
BAILBOND n. a bond given by a prisoner.
BEDAUBINGbedaubing v. Present participle of bedaub.
BEDAUB v. to cover with daubs.
BEDUMBINGbedumbing v. Present participle of bedumb.
BEDUMB v. to render speechless.
BELLBINDSBELLBIND n. hedge or field bindweed.
BIRDBRAINbirdbrain n. (Colloquial) Someone who is not intelligent.
bird␣brain n. Alternative form of birdbrain.
BIRDBRAIN n. one of very limited intelligence.
BREADBINSbreadbins n. Plural of breadbin.
bread␣bins n. Plural of bread bin.
BREADBIN n. a household container for bread, usually quite small.
BUNBURIEDBunburied v. Simple past tense and past participle of Bunbury.
BUNBURY v. to create a fictitious scenario that provides an excuse for avoiding unwanted engagements.
DABBLINGSdabblings n. Plural of dabbling.
DABBLING n. the act of dabbling.
DEMOBBINGdemobbing v. Present participle of demob.
DEMOB v. to discharge from military service.
DRABBLINGdrabbling v. Present participle of drabble.
DRABBLING n. a manner of fishing for barbels with a rod and long line passed through a piece of lead.
DRIBBLINGdribbling v. Present participle of dribble.
dribbling n. An amount of liquid that is dribbled.
DRIBBLING n. the act of propelling a football with repeated small taps.
DRUBBINGSdrubbings n. Plural of drubbing.
DRUBBING n. a cudgelling.
DUBBININGdubbining v. Present participle of dubbin.
DUBBIN v. to apply a preparation of grease to leather.
REDUBBINGredubbing v. Present participle of redub.
redubbing n. The process by which video material is redubbed, or the resulting edited material.
REDUB v. to dub again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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