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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing B, H, I, O and W

BEHOWLINGbehowling v. Present participle of behowl.
BEHOWL v. (Shakespeare) to howl at.
BEWHORINGbewhoring v. Present participle of bewhore.
BEWHORE v. (Shakespeare) to call someone a whore.
BIRCHWOODbirchwood n. (Countable) A wood largely populated with birch trees (Betula spp.).
birchwood n. (Uncountable) The wood from a birch tree.
Birchwood prop.n. A civil parish of Warrington, Cheshire, England (OS grid ref SJ6491).
BIRTHWORTbirthwort n. Any plant species of the genus Aristolochia.
birthwort n. Birthroot, Trillium erectum.
BIRTHWORT n. a plant formerly reputed to help parturition, also BIRTHROOT.
BOBWEIGHTbobweight n. A counterweight on part of a machine.
bobweight n. A weight fixed to the trim tab of an aircraft that brings the nose down at low airspeeds (to avoid stalling).
BOBWEIGHT n. a balance weight.
BOBWHITESbobwhites n. Plural of bobwhite.
BOBWHITE n. a kind of quail.
FISHBOWLSfishbowls n. Plural of fishbowl.
fish␣bowls n. Plural of fish bowl.
FISHBOWL n. a bowl in which live fish are kept.
HIGHBROWShighbrows n. Plural of highbrow.
HIGHBROW n. an intellectual.
SHOWBIZZYshowbizzy adj. (Informal) Of or pertaining to showbiz; glitzy, glamorous (possibly implying a lack of intellectual depth).
SHOWBIZZY adj. of or like showbiz, show business.
WHITECOMBWHITECOMB n. a fungal disease affecting the combs of certain fowls.
WHOMBLINGwhombling v. Present participle of whomble.
WHOMBLE v. to overturn; to throw into a state of disorder, also WHEMMLE, WHOMMLE, WHUMMLE.
WISHBONESwishbones n. Plural of wishbone.
WISHBONE n. the V-shaped bone formed by the fused clavicles of a bird's breast.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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