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There are 20 nine-letter words containing B, I, L and 2U

BEAUTIFULbeautiful adj. Attractive and possessing beauty.
beautiful adj. Good, admirable.
beautiful adj. (Of the weather) Pleasant; clear.
BOTULINUMbotulinum n. An anaerobic soil bacterium, Clostridium botulinum, that secretes the toxin botulin.
BOTULINUM n. a powerful bacterial toxin, also BOTULIN, BOTULINUS.
BOTULINUSbotulinus n. Alternative form of botulinum.
BOTULINUS n. a powerful bacterial toxin, also BOTULIN, BOTULINUM.
BOUNTIFULbountiful adj. Having a quantity or amount that is generous or plentiful; ample.
BOUNTIFUL adj. generous in giving.
BUILDOUTSbuildouts n. Plural of buildout.
BUILDOUT n. a process of expansion or growth.
BULIMUSESBULIMUS n. (Greek) an eating disorder in which binge eating is followed by depression and guilt, self-induced vomiting and purging, etc., also BULIMIA, BULIMY.
COLUMBIUMcolumbium n. (Obsolete) A former name of niobium.
COLUMBIUM n. a rare element of the vanadium group, now more commonly called niobium.
CUBICULUMcubiculum n. A small room, especially a bedroom, typically those small rooms found on the upper floor of a Roman house.
cubiculum n. A small room carved out of the wall of a catacomb, used as mortuary chapels, and in Roman times, for…
CUBICULUM n. (Latin) a burial chamber.
DUBIOUSLYdubiously adv. In a dubious manner.
dubiously adv. Accompanied by doubt, or anxious uncertainty.
DUBIOUS adv. doubtful.
LUBRICOUSlubricous adj. (Mycology, biology) Slimy to the touch.
LUMBRICUSLumbricus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Lumbricidae – includes most well-known European earthworms.
LUMBRICUS n. (Latin) a genus of annelids including the common earthworm.
NEBULIUMSNEBULIUM n. an element formerly assumed to explain certain lines in the spectra of gaseous nebulae, now known to be due to states of oxygen and nitrogen not possible under earthly conditions.
NELUMBIUMnelumbium n. (Botany) Any member of the former plant genus Nelumbium.
NELUMBIUM n. (Tamil) a plant of the Nelumbium genus of waterlilies that includes the sacred lotus, also NELUMBO.
OUTBUILDSoutbuilds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outbuild.
OUTBUILD v. to surpass in building.
SUBNUCLEIsubnuclei n. Plural of subnucleus.
SUBNUCLEUS n. a secondary nucleus.
SUBVISUALsubvisual adj. That is too dim to be seen unaided.
SUBVISUAL adj. below the threshold of visual perception.
UMBILICUSumbilicus n. (Anatomy) navel.
umbilicus n. (Botany) hilum.
umbilicus n. (Zoology) A depression or opening in the center of the base of many spiral shells.
UNBEGUILEunbeguile v. (Transitive) To set (someone) free from the influence of guile; to undeceive.
UNBEGUILE v. to set free from the influence of guile; to undeceive.
UNBULKIERUNBULKY adj. not bulky.
UPBUILDERUPBUILDER n. one who upbuilds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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