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There are 19 nine-letter words containing B, 2L, M and O

BALLROOMSballrooms n. Plural of ballroom.
BALLROOM n. a large room for dancing.
BALMORALSbalmorals n. Plural of balmoral.
BALMORAL n. a flat Scottish bonnet.
BLOOMLESSbloomless adj. Without blooms.
BLOOMLESS adj. destitute of bloom.
BLOWLAMPSblowlamps n. Plural of blowlamp.
BLOWLAMP n. a portable lamp producing a jet of hot flame.
BOLLWORMSbollworms n. Plural of bollworm.
BOLLWORM n. the larva of a moth which devours the bolls or unripe pods of the cotton plant.
BOMBSHELLbombshell n. A bomb or artillery shell designed to explode on impact.
bombshell n. (Figurative) Something that is very surprising, shocking, amazing or sensational.
bombshell n. (By extension) Someone who is very attractive; a sex symbol.
BROOMBALLbroomball n. (Uncountable) A Canadian team sport resembling ice hockey and played with sticks and a ball.
broomball n. (Countable) The ball used in this sport.
BROOMBALL n. (Canadian) a team game played on ice with brooms and a plastic ball.
GAMBOLLEDgambolled v. (Britain) simple past tense and past participle of gambol.
GAMBOL v. to leap about playfully.
GLOBALISMglobalism n. An ideology based on the belief that people, goods and information ought to be able to cross national…
globalism n. A socio-economic system dedicated to free trade and free access to markets.
GLOBALISM n. internationalism.
LAMBSWOOLlambswool n. (Uncountable) Wool from a lamb.
lambswool n. (By extension, countable) Something made of wool from a lamb.
lambswool n. A festive drink of ale mixed with the pulp of roasted apples.
MILLBOARDmillboard n. A stiff paperboard or pasteboard used for book covers.
MILLBOARD n. a kind of stout pasteboard.
MORTBELLSmort␣bells n. Plural of mort bell.
MORTBELL n. a funeral bell.
MOTHBALLSmothballs n. Plural of mothball.
moth-balls n. Plural of moth-ball.
moth␣balls n. Plural of moth ball.
MOULDABLEmouldable adj. Able to be moulded; plastic.
MOULDABLE adj. capable of being molded or formed.
MULTILOBEmultilobe adj. Having more than one lobe.
multilobe n. (Geometry) A kind of closed curve.
MULTILOBE adj. having more than one lobe.
OMBRELLASombrellas n. Plural of ombrella.
OMBRELLA n. an umbrella.
SMALLBOYSSMALLBOY n. a deputy steward in a European household in West Africa.
SYMBOLLEDsymbolled v. Simple past tense and past participle of symbol.
SYMBOL v. to serve as a representation.
UMBRELLOSumbrellos n. Plural of umbrello.
UMBRELLO n. (obsolete) an umbrella.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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