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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing B, M, O, S and W

BATSWOMANbatswoman n. (Cricket) A female batter.
BATSWOMAN n. a female person who wields the bat at cricket.
BATSWOMENbatswomen n. Plural of batswoman.
BATSWOMAN n. a female person who wields the bat at cricket.
BLOWLAMPSblowlamps n. Plural of blowlamp.
BLOWLAMP n. a portable lamp producing a jet of hot flame.
BOLLWORMSbollworms n. Plural of bollworm.
BOLLWORM n. the larva of a moth which devours the bolls or unripe pods of the cotton plant.
BOOKWORMSbookworms n. Plural of bookworm.
book-worms n. Plural of book-worm.
book␣worms n. Plural of book worm.
BOOMTOWNSboomtowns n. Plural of boomtown.
boom␣towns n. Plural of boom town.
BOOMTOWN n. a town which has expanded rapidly and prospered.
BUSHWOMANbushwoman n. (Australia) A woman who lives or has lived in the Australian outback.
Bushwoman n. A female Bushman.
BUSHWOMAN n. a woman living in the African or Australian bush.
BUSHWOMENbushwomen n. Plural of bushwoman.
Bushwomen n. Plural of Bushwoman.
BUSHWOMAN n. a woman living in the African or Australian bush.
DUMBSHOWSdumb-shows n. Plural of dumb-show.
dumb␣shows n. Plural of dumb show.
DUMBSHOW n. gesture without words; pantomime.
GRUBWORMSgrubworms n. Plural of grubworm.
GRUBWORM n. the larva of some insects.
HOMEBREWShomebrews n. Plural of homebrew.
homebrews v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of homebrew.
HOMEBREW n. an alcoholic beverage made at home.
LAMBSWOOLlambswool n. (Uncountable) Wool from a lamb.
lambswool n. (By extension, countable) Something made of wool from a lamb.
lambswool n. A festive drink of ale mixed with the pulp of roasted apples.
MISBESTOWmisbestow v. (Transitive) To bestow improperly.
MISBESTOW v. to bestow improperly.
MONOBROWSmonobrows n. Plural of monobrow.
MONOBROW n. a derogatory word for eyebrows that meet, also UNIBROW.
RINGWOMBSRINGWOMB n. a complication in lamb birthing when the cervix fails to open.
RUMBELOWSRUMBELOW n. a meaningless word, occurring as a refrain in old sea-songs.
TUBEWORMStubeworms n. Plural of tubeworm.
tube␣worms n. Plural of tube worm.
TUBEWORM n. a marine worm that builds and lives in a tube.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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