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There are 14 words containing 2B, C and 2K

KEBBOCKkebbock n. Alternative form of kebbuck.
KEBBOCK n. (Scots) a double cream cheese rolled in oatmeal, also CABOC, KEBBUCK.
KEBBUCKkebbuck n. A whole wheel or ball of cheese.
KEBBUCK n. (Scots) a double cream cheese rolled in oatmeal, also CABOC, KEBBOCK.
KEBBOCKSkebbocks n. Plural of kebbock.
KEBBOCK n. (Scots) a double cream cheese rolled in oatmeal, also CABOC, KEBBUCK.
KEBBUCKSkebbucks n. Plural of kebbuck.
KEBBUCK n. (Scots) a double cream cheese rolled in oatmeal, also CABOC, KEBBOCK.
BACKBLOCKbackblock n. (Australia, New Zealand, usually in the plural) A residential area remote from major cities and lacking…
BACKBLOCK adj. (Australian) of the backblocks, remote, sparsely populated country.
BLACKBUCKblackbuck n. An Indian antelope, Antilope cervicapra.
BLACKBUCK n. an Indian antelope.
BREAKBACKbreakback adj. Synonym of backbreaking (“of work, very physically tiring”).
break␣back v. (Tennis, of a receiver) To win a game having lost a service game, or during a tiebreak, to win a point…
BREAKBACK adj. crushing.
BACKBLOCKSbackblocks n. Plural of backblock.
back␣blocks n. (Slang) Remote countryside.
BACKBLOCKS n. (Australian) remote, sparsely populated country.
BLACKBUCKSblackbucks n. Plural of blackbuck.
BLACKBUCK n. an Indian antelope.
BACKBLOCKERBACKBLOCKER n. one who lives in the backblocks.
BACKBREAKERbackbreaker n. A strenuous and exhausting task, typically involving physical effort.
BACKBREAKER n. a strenuous task.
BACKBLOCKERSBACKBLOCKER n. one who lives in the backblocks.
BACKBREAKERSbackbreakers n. Plural of backbreaker.
BACKBREAKER n. a strenuous task.
BACKBREAKINGbackbreaking adj. (Figuratively) Of work, very physically tiring.
back-breaking adj. Alternative form of backbreaking.
BACKBREAKING adj. exhausting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in German: no word
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