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There are 16 words containing B, E, M, P and V

IMPROVABLEimprovable adj. Capable of being improved.
improvable adj. Capable of being used to advantage; profitable.
improvable adj. Impossible to prove.
IMPERVIABLEimperviable adj. Impervious.
IMPERVIABLE adj. not able to be penetrated, also IMPERVIOUS.
SUBSUMPTIVEsubsumptive adj. Relating to, or containing, a subsumption.
SUBSUMPTIVE adj. tending to subsume.
IMPERCEIVABLEimperceivable adj. That cannot be perceived; imperceptible.
IMPERCEIVABLE adj. imperceptible.
PLUMBISOLVENTplumbisolvent adj. Alternative form of plumbosolvent.
PLUMBISOLVENT adj. able to dissolve lead, also PLUMBOSOLVENT.
PLUMBOSOLVENTplumbosolvent adj. Exhibiting plumbosolvency.
PLUMBOSOLVENT adj. able to dissolve lead, also PLUMBISOLVENT.
PROVERBIALISMproverbialism n. A proverbial phrase.
PROVERBIALISM n. a saying in the form of, or like, a proverb.
IMPERVIABILITYimperviability n. The quality of being imperviable.
IMPERVIABILITY n. the quality of being imperviable.
IMPROVABLENESSimprovableness n. Quality of being improvable; capability of improvement.
IMPROVABLE n. capable of being improved.
PLUMBISOLVENCYplumbisolvency n. Alternative form of plumbosolvency.
PLUMBISOLVENCY n. the ability to dissolve lead, also PLUMBOSOLVENCY.
PLUMBOSOLVENCYplumbosolvency n. The ability of a solvent, notably water, to dissolve lead.
PLUMBOSOLVENCY n. the ability to dissolve lead, also PLUMBISOLVENCY.
PROVERBIALISMSproverbialisms n. Plural of proverbialism.
PROVERBIALISM n. a saying in the form of, or like, a proverb.
SUBDEVELOPMENTsubdevelopment n. A development making up part of a larger development.
SUBDEVELOPMENT n. a subdivision of a development.
IMPERVIABLENESSimperviableness n. The quality of being imperviable.
IMPERVIABLE n. not able to be penetrated, also IMPERVIOUS.
IMPROVABILITIESimprovabilities n. Plural of improvability.
IMPROVABILITY n. the state of being improvable.
SUBDEVELOPMENTSsubdevelopments n. Plural of subdevelopment.
SUBDEVELOPMENT n. a subdivision of a development.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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