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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing B, C, K, N, R and S

BACKLINERSbackliners n. Plural of backliner.
BACKLINER n. (Canadian) a defenceman, especially in hockey.
BACKRONYMSbackronyms n. Plural of backronym.
BACKRONYM n. an acronym formed using the initial letters or syllables of an existing word, also BACRONYM.
BARNBRACKSBARNBRACK n. (Irish) a currant bun, also BARMBRACK.
BENCHMARKSbenchmarks n. Plural of benchmark.
benchmarks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of benchmark.
BENCHMARK v. to test by a preset standard.
BICKERINGSbickerings n. Plural of bickering.
BICKERING n. a petty quarrel.
BLACKENERSblackeners n. Plural of blackener.
BLACKENER n. something that blackens.
BRICKKILNSbrickkilns n. Plural of brickkiln.
BRICKKILN n. a kiln where bricks are made.
BUCKTHORNSbuckthorns n. Plural of buckthorn.
BUCKTHORN n. a shrub of the Rhamnus genus.
CANEBRAKEScanebrakes n. Plural of canebrake.
cane␣brakes n. Plural of cane brake.
CANEBRAKE n. a thicket of canes.
CRANKBAITScrankbaits n. Plural of crankbait.
CRANKBAIT n. a fishing lure with a shape that enables it to dive and stay under water.
CYBERPUNKScyberpunks n. Plural of cyberpunk.
CYBERPUNK n. a genus of science fiction involving a computer-dominated society and usually a gifted young hacker who rebels against this.
GREENBACKSgreenbacks n. Plural of greenback.
GREENBACK n. a monetary note issued by the US Government; generically. the US dollar.
INSULBRICKSorry, definition not available.
PRONGBUCKSprongbucks n. Plural of prongbuck.
PRONGBUCK n. the springbuck.
RACKABONESrackabones n. (Informal, derogatory) A very lean person or animal, especially a lean horse.
RACKABONES n. a very lean animal, esp. a horse.
SPRINGBUCKspringbuck n. Alternative form of springbok.
SPRINGBUCK n. a South African antelope, that moves in leaps when alarmed, also SPRINGBOK.
THORNBACKSthornbacks n. Plural of thornback.
THORNBACK n. a kind of skate having thornlike spines on its back, aka roker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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