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There are 16 ten-letter words containing B, E, H, I, P and U

BETHUMPINGbethumping v. Present participle of bethump.
BETHUMP v. to thump soundly.
BISULPHATEbisulphate n. (Inorganic chemistry) Alternative spelling of bisulfate.
BISULPHATE n. a salt containing double the proportion of the acid radical present in a sulphate, also BISULFATE.
BISULPHIDEbisulphide n. Alternative spelling of bisulfide.
BISULPHIDE n. a sulphide having two atoms of sulphur in the molecule, also BISULFIDE.
BISULPHITEbisulphite n. (Inorganic chemistry, Britain) Alternative spelling of bisulfite.
BISULPHITE n. a salt or ester of sulphurous acid containing the monovalent group, also BISULFITE.
BUTLERSHIPbutlership n. The rank, office, or position of a butler.
BUTLERSHIP n. the office of a butler.
EUPHORBIASeuphorbias n. Plural of euphorbia.
EUPHORBIA n. any herb or shrub of the spurge family.
EUPHORBIUMeuphorbium n. An acrid dull yellow or brown resin consisting of the concreted milky juice of several species of Euphorbia…
EUPHORBIUM n. the resinous gum of certain succulent plants of the genus Euphorbia, formerly used as an emetic and purgative.
EUROPHOBIAEurophobia n. A dislike of Europe or its culture or inhabitants.
Europhobia n. Euroscepticism.
EUROPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of Europe and things European.
EUROPHOBICEurophobic adj. Disliking Europe or the European Union.
EUROPHOBIC adj. suffering from europhobia, an irrational fear of Europe and things European.
NALBUPHINEnalbuphine n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic opioid antagonist which is very similar to morphine in chemical structure…
NALBUPHINE n. a synthetic narcotic, an analgesic structurally similar to morphine.
PUBLISHERSpublishers n. Plural of publisher.
PUBLISHER n. one who publishes.
PUNISHABLEpunishable adj. Subject to punishment; appropriate for punishment.
PUNISHABLE adj. worthy of punishment.
SUBPHRENICsubphrenic adj. (Anatomy) Below the diaphragm.
SUBPHRENIC adj. placed below the midriff.
SUPERBITCHsuperbitch n. (Informal, vulgar) A particularly malicious or powerful bitch (unpleasant woman).
SUPERBITCH n. (offensive) a highly-placed aggressive female.
THUMBPIECEthumbpiece n. Part of an object to accommodate a person’s thumb, such as on the ornamental handle of a tankard.
THUMBPIECE n. a piece that is pressed by the thumb or receives the thumb.
UNBISHOPEDunbishoped v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbishop.
UNBISHOP v. to deprive of the status of bishop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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