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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing B, E, 2L, M and R

BELLARMINEbellarmine n. A stoneware jug of a pattern that originated around Cologne, Germany, in the 16th century, having a…
BELLARMINE n. a large jug with rounded belly and narrow neck.
BELLETRISMbelletrism n. The writing of belles-lettres.
BELLETRISM n. the writing of belles-lettres.
BERYLLIUMSberylliums n. Plural of beryllium.
BERYLLIUM n. a metallic element.
CEREBELLUMcerebellum n. (Neuroanatomy) Part of the hindbrain in vertebrates. In humans it lies between the brainstem and the…
CEREBELLUM n. (Latin) the lower posterior part of the brain, whose function is to coordinate voluntary movements and maintain balance.
LIBERALISMliberalism n. The quality of being liberal.
liberalism n. (Politics) Any political movement founded on the autonomy and personal freedom of the individual, progress…
liberalism n. (Economics) An economic ideology in favour of laissez faire and the free market (related to economic liberalism).
MELIORABLEmeliorable adj. Able to be improved.
MELIORABLE adj. capable of improvement.
MILLIPROBEmilliprobe n. Any of various very small scientific probes, especially such a spectrometer.
MILLIPROBE n. an instrument for analysing small quantities, esp. a spectrometer.
MIRABELLESmirabelles n. Plural of mirabelle.
MIRABELLE n. (French) a European species of plum-tree; the small, yellow, firm-fleshed fruit of this.
MURDERBALLmurderball n. A team sport resembling dodgeball in which players are eliminated ("murdered") by being struck with the ball.
murderball n. Wheelchair rugby.
MURDERBALL n. a form of rugby played in wheelchairs by people afflicted with quadriplegia.
PERMABULLSpermabulls n. Plural of permabull.
PERMABULL n. an investor who consistently acts in the expectation that the value of stocks and shares will rise.
SLUMBERFULslumberful adj. (Poetic) Full of sleep; sleepy.
SLUMBERFUL adj. sleepy.
TIMBRELLEDtimbrelled adj. Sung to the sound of the timbrel.
TIMBRELLED adj. sung to the accompaniment of the timbrel.
TUMBLERFULtumblerful n. As much as a tumbler will hold.
TUMBLERFUL n. as much as a tumbler will hold.
UMBELLIFERumbellifer n. Any plant of the family Apiaceae, also called Umbelliferae, whose inflorescence is an umbel, such as…
UMBELLIFER n. a plant producing an umbel or umbels.
UMBRELLAEDumbrellaed adj. Covered by or carrying an umbrella.
umbrellaed adj. (Figuratively) Under an umbrella.
umbrellaed v. Simple past tense and past participle of umbrella.
UMBRELLOESumbrelloes n. Plural of umbrello.
UMBRELLO n. (obsolete) an umbrella.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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