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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing B, E, L, 2M and N

BEFLUMMINGBEFLUM v. (Scott) to befool, cajole.
COMMONABLEcommonable adj. (Of land) Owned, managed or used in common.
commonable adj. Of an animal: that may be pastured on common land.
COMMONABLE adj. held in common, mutual.
EMBALMINGSembalmings n. Plural of embalming.
EMBALMING n. the act of embalming.
EMBALMMENTembalmment n. The process of embalming.
EMBALMMENT n. the act of embalming.
EMBLEMENTSemblements n. Plural of emblement.
EMBLEMENTS n. crops raised by the labour of the cultivator of land (but not tree-fruits or grass) or the profits arising from these.
EMBLOOMINGemblooming v. Present participle of embloom.
EMBLOOM v. to cover with bloom.
EMMARBLINGemmarbling v. Present participle of emmarble.
EMMARBLE v. to adorn with marble.
MOLYBDENUMmolybdenum n. A chemical element (symbol Mo) with an atomic number of 42: a silvery metal, not found as a free element…
molybdenum n. A single atom of this element.
MOLYBDENUM n. a rare element of the chromium group.
MUMBLEMENTmumblement n. Mumbling.
MUMBLEMENT n. (Carlyle) mumbling speech.
NELUMBIUMSnelumbiums n. Plural of nelumbium.
NELUMBIUM n. (Tamil) a plant of the Nelumbium genus of waterlilies that includes the sacred lotus, also NELUMBO.
SOMNAMBULEsomnambule n. (Archaic) A somnambulist.
SOMNAMBULE n. a sleepwalker, also SOMNAMBULIST.
SUMMONABLEsummonable adj. Able to be summoned.
summonable n. (Gaming) A creature that may be summoned into existence.
SUMMONABLE adj. that can be summoned.
UNDIMMABLEundimmable adj. Not capable of being dimmed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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