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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing B, E, 2M, T and U

AMBUSHMENTambushment n. (Obsolete) An ambush.
AMBUSHMENT n. (archaic) an ambush.
BEMUSEMENTbemusement n. The state of being bemused.
BEMUSEMENT n. the act of bemusing.
BENUMBMENTbenumbment n. The act of benumbing, or state of being benumbed; torpor.
BENUMBMENT n. the state of being benumbed.
COMBRETUMScombretums n. Plural of combretum.
COMBRETUM n. (Latin) a member of a genus of tropical trees known for the beauty of their flowers.
COMMUTABLEcommutable adj. Capable of being commuted.
COMMUTABLE adj. able to be commuted.
CUMBERMENTcumberment n. Encumberment; encumbrance.
CUMBERMENT n. the act of encumbering.
EMBOTHRIUMEMBOTHRIUM n. an evergreen shrub native to South America, widely cultivated as an ornamental for its scarlet flowers.
EMBRUEMENTEMBRUEMENT n. the act of embruing or state of being embrued, also IMBRUEMENT.
IMBRUEMENTimbruement n. The act of imbruing or state of being imbrued.
IMBRUEMENT n. the act of imbruing or state of being imbrued, also EMBRUEMENT.
IMBUEMENTSimbuements n. Plural of imbuement.
IMBUEMENT n. the act of imbuing.
MUMBLEMENTmumblement n. Mumbling.
MUMBLEMENT n. (Carlyle) mumbling speech.
STUMBLEBUMstumblebum n. A blundering or awkward person.
stumblebum n. An inept prizefighter.
stumblebum n. (Slang) A homeless person.
SUBMENTUMSSUBMENTUM n. the basal part of the labium of insects.
TUMBLEHOMEtumblehome n. (Nautical) The inward curve of the topsides of some ship hulls.
tumble␣home v. (Nautical) To incline inward, as the sides of a vessel, above the bends or extreme breadth.
TUMBLEHOME n. the inward curvature of the upper parts of the sides of a vessel at or near the stern.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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